Category: Uncategorized

  1. In which I cull my four foot magazine collection. (Or was it five foot?) (Victoria)

    Before I decided to come to our beloved UniMelb, I was set on heading to Sydney to become a journo. During years nine and ten I literally spent thousands of dollars on magazines, both to fuel my journalistic dreams and to keep up with the Disney channel gossip (and plaster my room in hundreds of […]

  2. Do you have what it takes to be a First_year@UniMelb Blogger?

    If you are a current first year University of Melbourne undergraduate student and you enjoy writing and feel that you are up to the task of blogging about your First year experience at UniMelb then becoming a First year blogger might be for you. We are seeking enthusiastic first year students to write weekly posts […]

  3. I can't laugh because I'm still too sore from bootcamp. (Victoria)

    I had a long few days at Destination Melbourne, but I had such a blast! As fun as the intense, exhaustion fuelled camp was my memories are now shadowed by my tear-filled trip home. What should’ve been a simple journey to Southern Cross for my train turn into an hour and a half-long epic trek […]

  4. I am currently deciding whether to do one or two layers of fake tan for tomorrow. (Victoria)

    I’m one of the new bloggers and thought I’d take this opportunity to introduce myself before I head off to Destination Melbourne tomorrow. I despise writing introductions about myself so I think I’ll list anything and everything that comes to mind (under the jump) until I’m pleased with the result.

  5. New 2013 Bloggers coming soon!

    Hello dear readers. We will have a brand new crop of first year bloggers for 2013. Stay tuned for more engaging stories about making the transition to University life and study.

  6. The Last Post

    Hello fine readers, Alas our term on this blog has come to an end, not sure which of us shall be progressing to the second year blog, “Back for Seconds” however I would like to take this time to say it has been a real honour to have been allowed to participate in this blog. […]

  7. First Year University (Benjamin)

    Hello everybody!   Hope everyone’s going well and that exams are going well, for both school and uni students 🙂  I am so excited to have finally finished, it’s so surreal.  It’s crazy to think that after all that work, sweat and lack of sleep, from the moment we are told, “Pens down please,” we […]

  8. What I learnt during first year (Adeshola)

    Finishing exams always feels like a bit of an anti-climax. For weeks you’re hidden away studying and let’s be honest, procrastinating about how wonderful finishing exams will be. Then you finally finish the last exam, walk out and it’s all over instantly. This was me on Friday as I penciled in my final answer for […]

  9. The 'time really flies' post (Adeshola)

    Apologies for my lack of blog presence over the last couple of weeks. The blog has been looking pretty empty lately as we head towards final assessment panic, the much dreaded SWOT VAC and exams. It’s quite scary to think of how quickly these year has gone. It does not feel like that long ago […]

  10. Drawing to a close.. (Benjamin)

    Heya people! It’s been a while, I know.  Essentially the reason why I have not posted recently is due to the fact that I have been pretty busy, finishing off those last pesky assignments, and other fun* things.  I also realise I have used this excuse a lot.  Ah well 😀 I guess that’s the […]

Number of posts found: 1217