1. Apocryphal pictures

    Navigating ancient texts and images can be a mystifying experience, encountering ‘hidden’ or secret stories in the Bible, known as the Apocrypha, are a provocative example. …


  2. A view from the vegetables

    Vegetable seeds and seedlings are some of the many items being panic purchased by nervous communities during the pandemic. This is partly because cultivating vegetables offers …


  3. Between Old and New: Reflections of a Gallery Attendant at Old Quad

    Guest post by Gallery Attendant, Ada Coxall, reflecting on her work at Old Quad where she bridges the gap between art and audiences. There always seems …


  4. The fashionable office

    As more people work from home due to the current unsettling circumstances, our dress sense has also adjusted and the office mode for shirts and skirts …


  5. Four activities with the Print Collection to keep you entertained during times of isolation

    Are you isolated because of COVID-19? The Baillieu Library Print Collection is available online, and images that are out of copyright are freely available for you …


Number of posts found: 104