Posted under Spotlight on student work

  1. Marvin the Mobot and Shell: robotics history and oil exploration

    Ary Hermawan One of the most fascinating historical documents in the Shell Historical Collection stored at the University of Melbourne Archives is a press cutting of …

  2. Conducting historical research through digital archives, courtesy of the ‘Scan & Send’ service

    Noreen Minogue, early 1980s, Photographic series, (Control: AX36 PO4822), Australian Red Cross – National Office, University of Melbourne Archives   I recently completed my research thesis …

  3. Intern Profile, Bianca Arthur-Hull, Archives and Special Collections Blog Intern

    Satan viewing the ascent to Heaven

    This year, Archives and Special Collections has benefited from some a number of interns whose work has focused particularly on showcasing works across Special Collections in …

  4. Sir Peter MacCallum: The man behind the monument

    Menu from a Luncheon in India, 25 October 1957.

    By Neville Yeomans This post was written as part of the graduate course Digital Humanities MULT900056. Neville Yeomans is currently undertaking a Doctor of Philosophy in …

  5. Microcosm of a global disaster

    By Margaret Mary Sheehan In the pages of the ‘Influenza Temporary Hospital Staff Register’, held by the  University of Melbourne Archives, is evidence of the Spanish …

Number of posts found: 62