• Rebecca
  1. News and Upcoming Events for April 2022

    Throughout 2022 at the end of each month the Scholarly Development (Research) team will provide a snapshot of relevant scholarly research support news and events for …


  2. Reference Management Library Support

    Group of students in library on laptops

    If you are looking for resources or need to brush up on your skills in reference management, Recite is the place to go for assistance with …


  3. Graduate Researcher Library Support

    Student entering doors of library

    The University of Melbourne library is here to support you on your research journey. We have collated some of the core graduate researcher resources and initiatives …


  4. Reminder: Graduate Researcher Orientation 2022 Events Upcoming

    Water feature with pathway and trees on campus

    Register today for two upcoming events for Graduate Researchers at the University of Melbourne. Welcome to the University of Melbourne Key Note and Panel Prof Justin …


  5. MCSHE Collaboration and Partnership Professional Program

    Students undertaking group work

    Do you find academic collaboration and partnership challenging? MCSHE’s Collaboration and Partnership professional development program provides practical tools and frameworks for university staff and relevant stakeholders …


  6. News and Upcoming Events for March 2022

    Throughout 2022 at the end of each month the Scholarly Development (Research) team will provide a snapshot of relevant scholarly research support news and events for …


  7. How ORCID can save you time and boost your profile

    The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) was launched in 2012 and over the last ten years has become a key piece of digital infrastructure – …


  8. Library Guides for Advanced Researchers


    The University of Melbourne has a number of Library Guides for Advanced Researchers. These online guides provide detailed information on the research resources and tools of …


  9. Introduction to library services: Get started today!

    February, can come around so quickly. While the summer season is almost at an end, now might be the time to get started with Library Research. …


  10. News and Upcoming Events for February 2022

    Throughout 2022 at the end of each month the Scholarly Development (Research) Team will provide a snapshot of relevant scholarly research support news and events for …


Number of posts found: 55
