In the dark (Kripa)
‘200,000 houses had no electricity for a couple of hours yesterday’ (from ‘The Age’)
And one of those houses were mine. Apparently, a tree fell over the electric lines due to the strong winds and a part of my suburb had to sit inside their houses with no electricity. Let me tell you, I really enjoyed it. Although, my whole family sat around staring at each others’ faces (well, not really, but just bored without tv, computer, music, etc.), I realized that it actually brought us together. If there has been electricity like any normal day, my brother would be in one room on the Net, my mom would be in another room watching tv, my dad maybe taking a nap and me in my room, studying (yes, I’m the nerd). But last night, we sat together as a family and talked just because we had nothing else to do.
The best thing I liked was candle lights. The last time I used candles was in India on holiday where they had frequent electricity cuts. I love candle lights! When you actually try them in the dark, it’s a great feel and look. We had candlelight dinner and I absolutely enjoyed it.
Although it was a bit boring, I think we could do that once in a while, to shut down the whole electricity in the house and appreciate the life we have got and do some catchup with the family during such a busy life.
When the lights came on, everyone were so glad…and I did see that without the elcetricity supplied to us, we can actually live (well, for a few hours, atleast).
Till next time
My house was part of the blackout too! It wasn’t too bad because I ended up staying at uni until 8:30 to study, but still frustrating! My mum made the same point as you, that it would force people to spend time together etc. etc., I on the other hand, went straight to bed to read by the light of about 8 candles (they weren’t very strong).
On the plus side, I finally found a use for all the candles I got as presents in year 7 and 8!