Exams tragedy

I was already supposed to be done with ALL my exams by Friday afternoon in the same way that I am already supposed to be enjoying my 5 weeks of reprieve from studies as of yesterday. That is not the case, unfortunately.

I’ve missed my exams last Friday – this is the first time in my entire educational history that I have missed an exam. Let’s see… my last exam was supposed to be last Friday afternoon. I reckon that during the time that my fellow Architecture students were in the middle of writing their essays, I was being treated like some sort of curiosity by a team of specialists in a hospital. They brought in a hospital photographer too; I didn’t even know they had one of those. Oh well, it could’ve been worse – at least they let me go home for the weekend instead of keeping me there. Sure, I was unwell and in pain, but staying in the hospital for even just a couple of days surrounded by people who are more unwell than I am would probably make me even sicker. There’s just the matter of applying for special consideration yet again, which I’ve been delaying doing. I am feeling relatively better now, even skipped taking prescription painkillers in the morning, so I guess I  am well enough to tackle the consequences of my ill health. I’m thinking it might be worthwhile to work with DSU or probably to drop to three subjects per semester in the future because I’ve been having these ‘medical episodes’ quite frequently now. They happen at the most inopportune time too, i.e. during the last 3 weeks of semester or during exam time. I know I should be thinking of my health first, but it really just frustrates me when my studies suffer as a result of these. For now, I should probably just take all of these in stride and get on with the next few days as best as I could.

Has anyone out there ever have to sit a ‘special exam’? I’m not really sure how that works, so it would be good to hear from someone who had done it.