Heterokontophycaea and others

I feel somewhat justified writing a post, post-exams – as I have now commenced (4 days after my last exam) Marine Phytoplankton and Marine Botany summer school. Two subjects, two weeks, four exams and 25 points ahead. They call it ‘intensive’ subjects for a reason, and now – come Thursday – my social life consists of a date with the books and a diet of energy drinks.

It’s absolutely fascinating everything we’re learning about, getting to spend our days (there are ~15 of us) looking through the microscope. Next week we’re heading down to Queenscliff to learn about ‘macroalgea’ (otherwise known as seaweed if you want to sound less impressive). Should be great… a fair number of us know how to scuba dive, although I think for the moment we’ll stick to snorkeling.

Fun fun! My holidays don’t fully start for awhile…


… then back to study from 4th Jan in Canada! I’ll keep you posted while I’m over there…and hopefully encourage those of you who are thinking about going on exchange or want to do something similar.