I really should be ________ (fill in with whatever you’re procrastinating from) (Silvia)

I really should be studying for my VERY BIG AND IMPORTANT exams.

I know students are given a week off university to prepare for their exams but who actually uses that scrap of time to cram in twelve weeks worth of lectures for four subjects? I’m betting most people use that time to catch up on long lost sleep and maybe a couple of episodes of How I Met Your Mother. But you know me, I’m totally not doing that at all *coughbullcough* really!

Oh okay, I admit it. I’ve been sleeping in till ten in the morning (apparently, that’s still very early) and watching TV until four in the afternoon. I read until eight and “study” until ten. If you were to look in a dictionary that was published in the world of Silly-via, this is the definition of study you would find: “To sit motionless at one’s desk with lecture notes and a packet of jelly babies while one’s eyes are glazed like Krispy Kreme doughnuts.”

Hence, I am procrastinating. I am making aimless chatter with my sister, who is also supposed to be studying for her VCE biology exam. We are eating icy-poles and talking about being famous one day. Wishful thinking, yes?


We will be famous one day!

I don’t know what she’ll be famous for though.

Anyway, I’m going to “study” some more. And by study, I mean “do anything other than study.”


