Timetabling is the bane of my life (Silvia)
It’s the same every semester.
Thousands of students hunker over their computers, laptops, phones and iPads to log into the university portal and register in their first choice of classes, because no-one wants clashes or large breaks. I am one of these thousands and I was super duper lucky to get into the portal without it crashing down on me and registering in classes which suited me.
When I finalised everything, I celebrated because it was a beautiful timetable: I had virtually no clashes (a fifteen minute overlap between a tutorial and a lecture doesn’t count) and I even had a day off to do all my volunteering and participate in writing group in the evening.
But as always, my joy did not last. You see, I had all my pracs in the morning so that I’d have mellow afternoons where I planned to laze around on South Lawn or go home and pick up a good book. The universe seems to plot against me because my pracs were changed to the afternoon, which threw everything out of order and when I found out, I was struck with disbelief.
I had to rearrange my prac times so they were on my free day and cut out writing group altogether. It breaks my heart, it really does. I love writing group and the people there as well. I’m trying to comfort myself by repeating, “It does not matter. You write at home every day. You are a writer. It does not matter where you write.”
I’m still wiping away tears of bitterness and rocking in the foetal position so we can assume my mantra is not working.
This seems to happen every semester. I think I have a good timetable and then the lecturers are like, “LOL nope, joke’s on you!”
To this, I say: krfjkaherasjekfhajke!!!
I’m hoping the timetable won’t change again because I don’t think I could handle any more disappointment. Or rage. Rage is definitely not a good emotion when it’s thirty or so degrees and you’re draped on the sofa underneath the air conditioner going at full blast.
OH MY GOSH, I JUST REALISED I CAN TYPE THIS POST IN FULL SCREEN! I feel so stupid now. I’ve been writing these posts in an itty bitty space for two years and when my eyesight is as dreadful as it is– short-sighted in one eye and long-sighted in the other, yes I know it’s weird– visibility is an issue. And now… now… I can see everything! Huzzah! *Jumps up and down and waves arms in the air while throwing confetti*
Speaking of huzzah, I just (don’t kill me) got into Lord of the Rings! As in, the book. Someone recommended it months ago and I saw all three books compiled in one massive, fire-engine red book for a measly $22. Can someone say bargain? Anyway, it’s definitely turning into a favourite!
Gollum… I have no words for Gollum. He is so cute and gross at the same time.