Last semester I wrote between ten and eleven thousands words of assessment in one week.

I am such a horrible last minute worker and almost all of my assessments were due in the first two days of the exam period.
Yet, I plan on all assessments bar exams (which I can’t help) being done and dusted by October 31st.
I’m not off to a good start: Instead of preparing for tutes and presentations I’ve watched twenty-seven episodes of GoT in three days (I would probably be finished already if I didn’t have tutes and a presentation yesterday #priorities).
In my days trolling tumblr I often hear about those people who went through school being told how smart they were and then get o uni or get into real life and fall flat. I was never a big fish in a small pond who went to being a small fish in a big pond. I was lazy enough and close enough to mid-range in high school that my transition into the much bigger pool of UniMelb was pretty smooth. I maintained marks that weren’t excellent, but were pretty good and I was pretty happy with.

BUT I have a very important race day to attend back home on the first (if you haven’t checked it out exams start the third!) of November which will hopefully lead to a well deserved hangover preventing any academia in the following days. More than anything it’s the big bogan day out with my high school buddies. The ones I get to have dinner with like twice a year. My social life in Melbourne is severely lacking. Especially now to of my Melbourne friends – one flatmate and another who lived around the corner – are on exchange for the semester. But at school I had such a carefree and big social life. I think because year twelve was all the eighteenths I have an idealist view of it, but I did have some great times and I love going back to them.