Ahh! Week 12! (Bella)

Hi everyone!

I can’t believe it’s Week 12 already. No way!

Everything is pretty hectic at the moment, but I am pleased to say that I have had my best semester of uni yet.

After spending first year trialing study habits that worked (and some that didn’t) I am actually feeling somewhat confident (I know right!?) for the upcoming exams. I’ve made some new friends, and reconnected with old ones. I’ve spent lots of time blogging and writing, too!

Life has been very busy, but I’ve learnt how to manage my time really well. I’ve found that spending less days at uni and more time there each day really works well for me. This year, I left a few hours each day I’m at uni to study in between classes, and have organised to work/have free time (which is study time at the moment) on Mondays, Fridays and the weekends.

One example of a cool thing that I learnt at uni: I always thought that caffeine in coffee gave us some magical adrenaline rush, or something! I thought that it was a stimulant in the sense that it activated something. Turns out, it actually blocks something – that something being the chemical adenosine – which is what makes us tired. It’s like a ‘block of wood under the brake of the brain,’ my lecturer said. Fair to say, it’s changed my outlook on coffee a bit. We are doing experiments in class this week to see the effects of caffeine on performance! We got to design the experiments ourselves. Although, I don’t know how I am going to survive, not being allowed to have a coffee before my 9am class, and potentially receiving a decaffeinated placebo instead of the real thing. Ah, well. It’s all in the name of a good experiment. Have a morning coffee on Wednesday for me!

That’s it from me for now, and I wish you all the best of luck with your final week of semester!

Bella 🙂

3 thoughts on “Ahh! Week 12! (Bella)

  1. How fascinating – I never realised! Made sure I had two coffees this morning to be sure. 😉
    Best of luck with the research and with week 12!

  2. Haha! I love your learning of coffees! Makes me wonder too! I always have them between 12pm till 4pm. I can’t have anything after that or else I’ll be a night owl for the night. 😂

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