Level up! (Bella)

Hey everyone!

So, it’s SWOTVAC time! Unlike last year, I am not sitting in the library frantically making flashcards at the last minute. I started early, and am feeling (somewhat) more relaxed this time around. Basically, I have three essays due on Monday, an exam Tuesday morning, another essay due on Thursday (2000 words in FRENCH!!!) and then one more exam on Tuesday the 14th. Phew. I’m tired in advance just reading all that!

Anyway, I just received my last two results back for this semester’s coursework. As you probably know, I’m completing a Psychology major. For each of our subjects, we submit a lab report, and the coordinators were super nice and broke it into two parts, so two assignments. Basically, you write the first two sections of the report for assignment 1, and the remaining sections for assignment 2, after refining your first half as well, based on tutor feedback.

I knew that Psychology would be getting more difficult this year, so I wasn’t too surprised at my marks for assignment 1 being about the same/a little lower than this time last year. I said to myself that I would improve my grade on the second assignment by one – so that H2B would become a H2A, and the H2A would become a H1.

I am super pleased to report everyone, that this happened! Yay! I worked my butt off and got results. I really think my approach of starting early (which I mentioned in a previous post) really paid off. I highly recommend this approach for all next semester!

Today, it’s less than TWO WEEKS until holidays! I’m super excited. I can’t wait to catch up with people I’ve been meaning to catch up with for ageeeees (I swear time flies by at uni. I feel like Week 2 was 2 weeks ago).

I am also excited to let you all know, that unlike last year, I haven’t (yet) fallen over on the tram to uni! Hahaha.


– Bella 🙂

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