New Conservatorium Is CONFIRMED! AHHH!!!!

Since the MCM community is a small, close community, rumours and gossip goes around the con like hotcakes. It keeps us in the loop of everything, since it is important to know what goes on at the con. You hear that a new Conservatorium is going to be built at VCA, but would have no idea when, cause of funding wise, as one might think of it. Then, when rumours of a new Conservatorium is finally official your reaction goes like this…

Totally cray. Totally psyched. Totally excited.

I literally cannot explain more of how I’m excited, thankful and grateful of this awesome plan for MCM. It would’ve been more exciting if I attended the special announcement at VCA, but unfortunately, I was attending my July intensive, Auslan and Visual Communication. If I attended at the official announcement, I would possibly be out of control, being all super duper excited, and possibly be escorted out with the free food outside. Thankfully, I wasn’t being too excited when I found out the news during my classes today; I was worked up on our depicting signs.

Note: When I am too excited, it’s like fireworks going all cray = a lot of energy being used in such a crazy way, that a person would actually step away, as I might even hit them accidentally by how excited I am. Kind of like this…

Such exciting news! I wonder what’s next for MCM and the music industry!

Check out below for our new home! 😀


Say you've just finished high school in Victoria, and you're an absolute gun violinist or pianist, and you have your…

Posted by Daniel Andrews on Monday, 11 July 2016

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