Holocaust and Genocide (Georgie)
Right now I can see when all of my essays are due, but it seems too far away to be worrying about them yet. So, for the moment, I am a lady of leisure.
A few of my friends said this makes me sounds like a prostitute, but that’s not how I mean it! since finishing work at Eastlink I have a lot more free time. I’m now able to get readings done for class and have a change to enjoy the tutes a bit more. Tomorrow I am going to a public lecture, which I always see advertised around uni, but never have time to go to. It’s with Steve Bracks and my favourite lecturer, Glenn Moore, so hopefully it will be good!
I can now sleep in most days as I only have one 9 o’clock start and I can (luxury of luxuries) read the paper every day! Some days I even get to read The Australian as well as The Age – what more could a girl ask for?!
I had a really great final lecture for Holocaust and Genocide today. It was one of my favourite subjects this semester. It was very full on and, no surprises here, very sad, but I think extremely worthwhile. We had fantastic guest speakers and Gideon was a really good lecturer. I would highly recommend it!
On a final, somewhat purposeless note, is anyone else hanging out for The Gruen Transfer on this Wednesday?
Lady of leisure = Prostitute?! I don’t think so!!!!!!
Lady of the night = Prostitute!
Lady of leisure = bleached-blond, fake-tanned, “I haven’t eaten for 2 days” woman, sitting at The Pantry on Church St in Brighton drinking coffee (no sugar) with her Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses and Louis Vuitton = vomit!!!!