Time just drifts by (Georgie)
I always feel a bit guilty if I happen to make 2 posts in a row on this blog, but hey, what can you do?
I leave in 2 days for my 8 month European trip – arghh! This will be my first time overseas, so I am a little worried, but hopefully it will all work out.
The last few days have been spent saying goodbye. On Friday night I had a joint going away party at my house with a friend who is also going on exchange. What an effort! I wrote an essay that morning for public policy and then spent the rest of the day cleaning and shopping for food and booze and decorations. It ended up being an awesome night though, and worth all the stress. We had about 80 people come in the end, which was a hell of a lot! I had a bit over 20 people stay the night, and I think about 5 of them had adequate bedding. 2 friends gave up finding a suitable place to sleep and just ended up laying on the floor with no mattress, cushions, pillows or blankets. I felt a bit guilty the next morning. The house came out unscathed, there was just a whole lot of bottles left over. The next day was spent sleeping and cleaning.
Today, or should I say yesterday, or should I say sunday, I had my family going away lunch. With was 50 or so family and family friends. Went off without a hitch, except for the fact that I still felt exhausted after friday night.
And now I have 2 days left before I leave! I’m so excited and so so so so so nervous. Does anyone have travelling tips?
Good luck for exams, those unfortunate enough to still be going and enjoy the holidays!
Have fun =]
Remember to post some photos when you’re back! =D
Enjoy your holidays
Wow first time overseas and it’s for 8 months! That’s a pretty long time, I don’t think I have been away from home for that long before. Sounds awesome though and I wish you all the best.
I don’t think I would ever want 80 people in my house, even if they were my friends. you must have a big house!
Lol, it is a big house, but it’s all a bit higgeldy piggeldy, with rooms coming out everywhere. And thanks – hopefully it will all turn out alright!
Ooh first post – how exciting and bold of me!
Firstly, lucky lucky girl! I went to Europe Jan/Feb and it was SO amazing! It feels like a dream..
Some tips, hm, just immerse yourself in the culture and buy small phrasebooks, this really helps. I also like the Lonely Planet city guides. These were pretty fun to look through and I went to a few of the places in Tokyo/Paris/Barcelona…there are many more
I guess I can’t give you really specific tips unless I know where you’re going?
For the flight: Wear comfortable pants, try to drink at least a glass of water every 2hrs & moisturise your face before the flight (planes can be really dehydrating and ‘static’), try & get a window seat! Especially if this is your first time overseas.
Hm…also, I took a wheely suitcase instead of a backpack, this worked for me.
If you’re going by yourself don’t be afraid to open up to others, once you’ve returned to Australia these moments of awkwardness (if you get awkward around strangers..) will be erased from your memory..you only live once!
I loved Barcelona so much, if you get a chance to go here definitely do! It was such a surprise for me, there’s so much there. SO much. Gothic area, Gaudi architecture, etc etc I could go on.
Paris & Rome are musts as well. Ooh I squealed with delight so many times 🙂
The people in Spain are really open as well, so if you go there you’ll probably make a few friends (even if its only for the night/rest of your stay)
Hmm well all I can say is enjoy yourself!
Oops I forgot to mention that you should bring some home comforts as well, like Vegemite or something, maybe even a pillow…because even though 8 months may seem to go by quickly at the end of it all, you may feel a bit homesick during the middle…just a suggestion.
I’ve read this blog for a yr and a half now. Its such a great idea. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if i had started posting with you guys, maybe I’d feel more compelled to ‘do well’ or something.
Note to David(Commerce): I really enjoy your posts. Please keep it up 🙂 I agree with a lot of what you say and still remember your first post, so many potent points there. I can’t remember exactly what was on it since I read it so long ago, but I ‘connected’ with what you were saying.
Okay, well enjoy your holidays everyone!
Oh just in case anyone’s interested (since I feel like I know a bit about you guys) I’m in the second year of my Sci/Comm.