Sorry Hayden

Blue King Brown last Tuesday was great! Love the afro-beat, reggae and Latin sound. I randomly saw someone I knew from Monash University there. It’ll probably be my favourite act there for this semester. Had a little dance as well. I’m not really that interested in the acts coming in the next few weeks.

During last week, I had an assignment due on Friday. The thing was I didn’t finish it until about 1:30am Friday. (Had classes that morning.) Normally that would be alright, but I’d just been going to bed about 12:30am each night, and lack of sleep was really starting to catch up on me. Felt dead on Friday, got home (eventually), and went straight to bed. (this was about 4pm when I got to have some sleep.)

On Saturday night (Saint Patricks Day) I saw Symbiosis at the Corner Hotel, Richmond. Had a fantastic time, especially since I hadn’t seen them for ages. I was glad to find that the house mate I brought along really enjoyed the music as well. We managed to get a free beer each, for some reason these two people had them and gave them to us, and we had a quick chat, finding out they were both backpackers from Europe, and the one I spoke to more was thinking of living here. I must apologize to Hayden and his house mates that I couldn’t go to your house warming. I’d been planning on seeing Symbiosis for ages, and they’re not gigging heaps at the moment while they’re trying to get an Album together. (I think they must be working during the week.)

I’ve found out that the problem I’ve been having with the wireless in my laptop is that the Mini PCI card just wasn’t there. It’s normally inside the laptop and I had to pull the thing apart just to get to it. Anyway I found out it wasn’t a warranty issue so I’ve contacted Graysonline. I called them, then sent an e-mail, and got a reply back. I then just told them how much a replacement card would be, referencing it from the IBM website and just waiting for another reply, which will be during next week now.

I also had trouble with the Bookfest. I hadn’t seen the money for the book I sold and hadn’t had any e-mail replys. Just found out they’d mistaken a ‘y’ for an ‘s’. Also for some reason the processing of the money transfers had been a bit slow. So that seems to be fine at the moment.

Finally found myself another pair of shorts! And naturally I’m now looking at other items of clothing to buy due to their shortage! Took ages to find a suitable pair for shorts, scanned the whole Vic market, and found nothing there at all. Ended up at Jay Jays on Swanston Street, which is a good play to get reasonable priced clothes.

Went to my second FOUL (Friends of the Unnatural Llamas) meeting ever. (first one was early last year. MUMS (Melb Uni Mathematics and Statistics Society) seminars always got in the way, and I got into their rhythm so much that whenever they weren’t on I forgot all about FOUL. All I remember was that the conversations were quite random and a bunny rabbit made out of marshmellow, which we made into a freak, with corn chips for spikes on its back, softdrink bottle caps over its eyes, and wheels (some round biscuit).

MUMS puzzle hunt this week! Got a team of ten, and I’ll be co-ordinating the group, so hopefully it will go all well. What a productive way to get little homework done. Google “Puzzle Hunt”!

Helped out with Green Week this week on Thursday. It was only a small part, manning the stall. We had movies playing in the background, one of them being ‘In Inconvenient Truth’. Probably got about 60~80 signitures for our petition on Thursday (probably about 400 for the week, not sure on the figure) which we’ll be taking to a meeting with the Enviroment Advisory Committee, showing student support. (Along with a bunch of other arguments which we are reasearching for refining.) The petition should be avaliable to sign at the enviroment office which is opposite the food co-op first floor Union House.

Later in the afternoon three guys came up and were trying to pop a black balloon with a cigarette lighter. (The black balloons are representing our awareness of the carbon dioxide we are realeasing to the atmosphere.) They fortunately didn’t stay for long, but I have strong suspicions they were from the Liberal club, going off what I’ve seen and heard about before. I did also hear that day there were people going around trying to promote nuclear energy, and were arguing about things they didn’t understand, such as claiming that there would be no waste since the reactor is turning matter into energy, and there it all just disappears – wrong, we only loose a small percentage of the mass; we are using a fission reaction, which is not capable of turning all the matter into energy. Surely if they cared about it so much they could just do their basic research right?

Now I have to work out how much carbon dioxide is released per megawatt hour for Victoria. Can anyone give me a good source? I know the University is on AGL electricity, but finding anything on there website is difficult, maybe I just haven’t looked for long enough. Save that maybe they would reply to an email?

Enough ranting – Dishes! Bed!