On track (Silvia)

I still remember last year’s disastrous exams and my vow to never let procrastination dominate my life again. It didn’t hold up most of the time but I’m not as bad as I was last year. I start assignments well before they’re due and I study for quizzes and tests instead of googling answers or frantically flipping through lecture notes. Not that I get the right answers or anything, but it makes me feel good because I actually tried. And because I get so many of them wrong, I know what I need to study for. Basically everything :S

That’s only for one subject though and it’s my least favourite subject. My other two zoology subjects are far better! For Animal Structure and Function, I had a test every week and it REALLY helped because I had to study for them and some of the information is still fresh in my head, which takes bit off the exam prep load. I don’t have tests for Australian Wildlife Biology, but I don’t mind studying for it because it’s fun. My lectures notes are filled with pictures of cute koalas, echidnas, possums and pear-shaped wallabies. They take all the pressure out of exams 😀

I seriously recommend those two subjects. They have changed the way I look at my environment and at wildlife. For example, whenever I hear a bird call, I will freeze and try to determine what kind of a bird it is. If I see one, I can either name it or I’ll sketch it and look up what it is later on. I’ve made a few drawings of  cool animals I’ve seen and I’ll think about how they move and how they have adapted their bodies to suit their environments.

The sad thing is, THEY’RE ABSOLUTELY AWESOME but I never really noticed things like that until the lecturers opened my eyes up. I’m so much more aware of everything now and I don’t feel as ignorant about the creatures around me anymore. I loved first semester (minus my least favourite subject) and I’ve already decided that I want to pursue this kind of career later on. Field biology? Conservation? I don’t know but I can’t wait to find out.