Exam Revision snippet


“…The action of the second sentence also took place in the past , but in a period of past time prior to the past time of the first sentence; that is, a second, earlier period of past time.” (Sparks and Vail, 2000)

I was reading this particular section of a book from Baillieu, just to clarify some stuff regarding verb conjugation from my textbook.  Needless to say, I am more confused than ever. Oh, and my head’s starting to spin a bit.

Anyways, I just need to hang in there till Friday and I’ll be free! Hope everyone’s doin’ alright with revision and exams 🙂

2 thoughts on “Exam Revision snippet

  1. Oh dear… what roundabout language – it’s just saying that both actions are in the past but the second was before the first.

  2. it’s a good thing it was accompanied by a flow diagram on a separate page. I have trouble with roundabout language, but diagrams, I can definitely understand.

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