Keep Running

Analogy: Your muscles ache, each breath cuts like a razor, your legs shake like they are just going to fall out from under you. But you are so close to the finishing line – if you can just keep running, you’ll finish the race. You know you won’t win, but just to finish it would make all the pain you have endured and distance you have already run worth it.
Feeling a lot like that about uni at the moment… I have three more essays and one exam – if I can just finish them, then I can do whatever I want.

What do I want? I have a couple of projects I want to get stuck into. Auditions for The Mikado are soonish, and I’m dying to get a part. I also want to get a job (finally) and actually be able to give my fashion addiction some relief. I have started an online children’s story series; it’s in development and will hopefully be launched around June-July. I am also playing with some ideas for starting a relationships column – as like a ‘real world’ antidote to Samantha Brett. I have three ideas for paintings that I have to do for my new apartment, and I really should be actually buying some furniture…

So, there are a lot of things that I am keen to get into, with only a couple of weeks of hard work standing between me and creative gratification. It’s infuriating.

Other than that, not a great deal is happening. The last month or so has been extremely tough, with a little return of the doom and gloom of days gone by. I really thought that I was better equipped to deal with it all now, but it took just one bad thing to knock me off my feet for a whole month. I’m not completely good again yet, but at least I’m heading in the right direction.

2 thoughts on “Keep Running

  1. The Mikado is awesome – I saw it last time OA did it, and it was brilliant. Hope you go well in the auditions!

    Aargh, I have so many posts to catch up on here. These transition blogs are a great way to procrastinate during exam study!

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