
That’s right, I couldn’t help myself getting involved in the elephant spam saga. I had fun watching it evolved, people getting annoyed with each other, and then suddenly dying off. No IT access for me for one week. Luckily that doesn’t prevent me from the student union computing centre. Admitably the punishment would affect different people quite differently.

Over the holidays I definitely didn’t get enough sleep. If I’d rested enough I’m sure I’d be over this cold by now, but silly me likes to go out to see bands every night, and exhaust myself. At this point I realise I have assignments to do. Fortunately there is just enough time, but I didn’t quite give myself the sleep I needed. Looking forward to this weekend – I’m intending on doing nothing! (ie. sleep)

One thought on “Elephants

  1. Hahaha…..!! I loved the elephant spam saga. I mean after about 25 emails…yeah it got a bit old, but some people were such spoilsports getting all pissed off about it! I mean get a life! People are having a bit of fun and I really loved the sense of community it created – bringing people together through humour.

    Melbourne Uni can be a very cold serious place. Particularly in the commerce faculty, so for me, I can always appreciate it when people “lighten up” a bit and be a bit silly!

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