Cob webs in car

I drive that little these days that I found Cob webs in my Car. This is likely to get worse as I’ve now also got a bike to ride to uni. So much better to get to uni by bike. Get some exercise and only takes about 20-30 minutes as opposed to about 30-50 by train and tram. Only the rain I have to watch out for.

I’ve also been enjoying a big maths methods assignment where we were given a function of complex variables, and have had to prove things about it, leading up to finding all the zeros of the function and periodic functions from it. I think the main idea behind the assignment is that we learn something from it and then get it put into greater context in class. We didn’t explicitly learn about what we are working on but we did already have the tools, many from previous subjects to go through and understand it.

Anyway, I’d better get back to getting the final version of this assignment ready. Has many parts.
