First week, second year, third blogpost

It didn’t occur to me until it actually happened that my first week of uni finished on Wednesday. That’s right. My childhood dream of three days school, four days weekend has finally and amazingly come to fruition! Of course, I’m sure I’m supposed to spend all this free time studying and the like, but…well, I guess I don’t really have any excuses. I LIKE SLEEP.

I’m pretty happy with all my subjects, though, which is refreshing. My core subject, Net Communications, sounds like it was tailor-made for my interests, as do Cybersociety and Screen and Media Histories, all three of which overlap content-wise in some form, which is good, I think. For the first time in ages I’m actually learning about stuff I’m genuinely interested in and am good at, so I hope that I’ll do well in these subjects! I’m also taking Creative Non-Fiction, which I hope will enhance my writing skills. I still don’t want to be a journalist, though. 😛

I’m also pretty happy that in all my classes sans a tute, I have friends with me. I’ve made so many great friends over the past year and I’m really happy to be able to spend more time with them this year. It’s also great finally having my boyfriend with me at uni, even if he is doing Commerce. (We were first in line for free Grill’d on Tuesday, hell yeah! We are an unstoppable force)

In the coming weeks hopefully I’ll get back into the swing of studying (lol), and I’ll be headed off to FOUL camp for a few days too! So far this semester is shaping up to be a pretty good one. 🙂


P.S. Obligatory funny picture (will only be understood by fellow Tumblrers):