Category: Clubs and campus activities
Week 2: The Big Sick
Hi again everyone! It’s Amity from the first year blog- back for more 🙂 I actually meant to write this last week but in true second-year fashion I was too busy and completely forgot. So here goes. Anyway. Week 2, off to a great start. There’s a cold going around campus, or at least going […] -
Busy Bee (Bella)
Hi readers! Sorry for the long time, and no see (or, should I say, read)! I’ve been really busy with my internship and classes, and am excited to share with you all what I’ve been up to. This semester, I’m taking my two required Psychology subjects, Cognitive Psychology and Personality and Social Psychology. We got […] -
Back for Second S(emester) – Bella
Woohoo! First week  =  complete (yes, it’s only Thursday night, but I’m an Arts student). I have had an awesome first week back for semester two. Monday I had my first lecture back in the beautiful, shiny and new Arts West! I’ve only been waiting for this building for, like, 1 and a half years, hahaha. […]
Things I Learnt in First Year, that I Employed in 2nd Year, to Have a Great Start to the Semester! (Bella)
So, that title felt longer than a 2-hour tute. HOWEVER, it is really what I wanted to get across! So, without further ado, here are 3 things I’ve learnt that hopefully you can learn from too… 1. Those people that look like they’ve been friends for ages… might have actually only just met At uni, […] -
New Year, New Me (Bella)
Nothing like a cliche quote to announce my return, right? Hi everyone, this is Bella, from the 2015 First Year Blog! I can’t believe we are 3 weeks into uni already… I’ve already been to many parties… oh, and lectures and tutes, of course. Even though I’m in second year now, I still have those […]
Different this Time Around? (Hiruni)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Ahem, well, it’s not my actual birthday but semester 2 marks my 1 year anniversary of blogging with First_Year@Unimelb and Back for Seconds. In true jaffy fashion, my first post was a hopeful declaration of the changes I would implement after a semester of testing out the waters. You know, like a […]
You know you’re back at uni when… (Phoebe)
And we’re back! No more holidays, no more sleep-ins, no more late nights thinking about how joyous life is with no assignments. Second Semester of 2015 has kicked off, and I’m just thankful Melbourne has held off the rain, or at least it has for now. As I’ve started getting back into the swing of […]
Chapter Seventeen: Another Op’nin, Another Show ♬♪♫ (~jinghan)
♫ Another op’nin, another show In Southbank, Parkville, or Baltimo’ A chance for strange folks to say hello! Another op’nin of another show. ♫* The University of Melbourne Open Day (which henceforth will be called “Open Day”) has always been a big event on my calendar since before I had even graduated primary school. (My dad has worked at […] -
Long time, no see [Daniel]
I’ve been travelling around Europe for the last month, after a year of saving. And… It’s been good I’ve learnt things, seen globalisation to a crazy extent (Toblerone is apparently a specialty in Qatar), and enjoyed the hospitality of past friends and acquaintances. I’d recommend it for anyone who has the time (money) or the […]
Why we have shortages of volunteers (Silvia)
If you’re new to my crazy-rant posts, here’s a summary of me: I’m a nineteen year old Science student who prefers a good book to an outing with friends. In other words, I’m old, lazy and anti-social. So when I went to uni on Thursday to buy textbooks (That’s right, I can afford textbooks this […]
Number of posts found: 75