Category: History

  1. Fighting for the Historical Record in the Age of Trump

    A group of organizations, the National Security Archive (NSA), Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) have filed a lawsuit aimed at requiring the Trump Administration to record and preserve transcripts of high-level diplomatic meetings. History PhD candidate Nayree Mardirian spoke to SHAFR’s President […]

  2. Writing the History of Gender and Sexuality in Australia: An Interview with History Honours Students

    Queer history is a relatively new field of historical research that offers loads of untapped sources and stories. In this video, three History Honours students, Meghan Grech, Danielle Scrimshaw and Harriet Steele, talk about their research on Australia’s LGBTQI history from the 1840s to the 1990s. They reflect on: where they find meaning in their […]

  3. From Melbourne to Hanoi via Sarajevo (and Everything In Between): Where a PhD Can Lead You

    After completing her PhD in History and Social Theory, Nicola Nixon has spent the last fifteen years working in international development, in a range of posts across Europe, Asia and Australia. She’s worked for the United Nations Development Programme, Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and a range of international NGOs. Currently, she is […]

  4. Building Rail, Building Victoria: A History of the Melbourne–Geelong Railway

    Trains and railroads hold a curious appeal for many of us, and they make compelling subjects for historical research. In 2018, History major Tim Lilley chose to produce his third-year capstone research project on the history of the Melbourne-Geelong railway. We showcase his outstanding project here, in the first of a series of posts spotlighting […]

  5. Russian History Returns to Melbourne

    From second semester 2019, undergraduates at the University of Melbourne will be able to study Soviet history, with the launch of the second-year subject ‘Red Empire: The Soviet Union and After’. This brand-new subject is part of the History program’s curriculum revamp, led by Hansen Chair Professor Mark Edele. It also marks a revitalisation of […]

  6. From Bretton Woods to Financial Crisis: The Rise and Fall of Global Economic Governance

    In 1944, the Bretton Woods conference started the task of rebuilding a multilateral world economy that had been fractured by the Great Depression and war - and the multilateral institutions that emerged are now challenged by President Donald Trump.

  7. From History Major to ABC Journalist: An Interview with Bindi Bryce

    A degree in history is ideal training for a career in the media. ABC journalist Bindi Bryce spoke to Sofie Onorato about how her History major at the University of Melbourne.

  8. Where Strange Fruit Meets Eating Out: Food Studies at Melbourne

    Pineapples as a status symbol in early modern Europe and nineteenth-century Sydney restaurants were the topics of papers presented by the two gastronomes from SHAPS at the 22nd Symposium of Australian Gastronomy in November 2018 in western Sydney.

  9. History Alumni News 2018

    Our annual newsletter celebrates the achievements of our students, past and present, and shares news about the research, teaching and other activities happening in the History program.

  10. Farewelling Professor Antonia Finnane

    In 2018 Professor Antonia Finnane retired after 33 years working for the History program at the University of Melbourne. We present here excerpts from the speeches and tributes delivered at Antonia's farewell in November 2018.

  11. Introducing Ángel Alcalde: New Lecturer in Twentieth-century European History

    Incoming Lecturer in European History Ángel Alcalde brings expertise on the social and cultural history of war, transnational history and the history of fascism. He discusses his inspirations with Ross Karavis.

  12. Animating SHAPS Research: Collaboration with VCA Animation Students

    Reunion (2018) is a short animation by VCA Animation students Jackson Cook and Jenn Tran, in collaboration with History PhD candidate Anh Nguyen.

  13. Undergraduate Subjects: History Capstone Showcase 2018

    The undergraduate History Major at the University of Melbourne culminates in the capstone subject, Making History (HIST30060). In this subject, students are given the chance to design and produce an independent historical research project on a topic of their own choice.

  14. History Brown Bag Seminar Series

    The History Brown Bag Seminar Series brings together a lively variety of history papers on any region of the world and on periods from the Early Modern era to present, with a diversity of methodologies including historians from outside the History discipline (e.g., Economics, Law and Medicine). The program includes postgraduate completion seminars, research presentations […]

  15. Textiles & Fashion Research Group Seminar Series

    Initiated in 2014 in the School of Historical & Philosophical Studies, the Textiles and Fashion Research Group (formerly the Textiles Reading Group) draws together academics, curators, textile experts and fashion creatives working across a varied range of fields, from Renaissance modes of luxury, dress in China, Islamic textiles, and early modern undergarments, to Australian colonial […]

  16. History Postgraduate Association

    Led by a committee elected annually in June by the History postgraduate cohort, the History Postgraduate Association (HPA) is committed to improving the experience of History students. We build solidarity and cohesion through events and activities, represent the voice of History postgraduate students, and provide avenues of communication between History students and our colleagues in SHAPS, the Faculty of Arts, and the Graduate Student Association. Every semester the HPA convenes a seminar […]

  17. UniMelb History Society

    Since its establishment in 2017, the History Society has been tirelessly dedicated to upholding its central mission of promoting the study of history at the University of Melbourne, and creating an inclusive and welcoming community for students who have an interest in history. To this end, we run a number of educational and social events. […]

  18. Australian Historical Studies

    Australian Historical Studies is the oldest historical journal in Australia. It was first published in 1940 in the Department of History at the University of Melbourne. The journal deals with all aspects of the Australian past in all its forms – heritage and conservation, archaeology, visual display in museums and galleries, oral history, family history […]

  19. Chariot

    Chariot is an undergraduate history journal at the University of Melbourne, created by and for students since 2018. The journal provides a space for students to engage with history in their own way, publishing online and in print. Online submissions are always open. We consider essays, commentaries, reviews, and creative pieces (including short fiction, poetry and […]

  20. Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

    The Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (JSPPS) is a bi-annual interdisciplinary journal that was launched in 2015 as a companion journal to the Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society book series (founded 2004 and edited by Andreas Umland). Like the book series, the journal provides an interdisciplinary forum for new original research on […]

  21. Melbourne Historical Journal

    Published since 1961, Melbourne Historical Journal (MHJ) is a refereed journal for the publication of Australian, Aotearoa/New Zealand and Pacific postgraduate and early career scholars working in history. It is open to new approaches and aims to present original graduate and ECA work to a wide and responsive readership. MHJ is not limited to Australian topics nor […]

  22. Lynn Abrams on Narrating the Female Self in the Feminist Age

    The 2017 Kathleen Fitzpatrick History Lecture, delivered by Professor Lynn Abrams (University of Glasgow). Life story telling has become a central plank of our confessional age as well as a key methodology of modern histories whether via the written autobiography, the oral history, or the self telling made possible by new forms of media. In […]

  23. Melissa Afentoulis

    ‘Migration from Limnos to Australia: Re-discovering Identity, Belonging and “Home”‘ (PhD in History, 2019). This doctoral dissertation is a case study of migrants coming to Australia in the period 1950s–1970s, from Limnos (otherwise known as Lemnos), an Aegean island of Greece. The thesis explores intergenerational migration experiences by interrogating emerging themes that arise in the […]

  24. Rustam Alexander

    ‘Homosexuality in the USSR, 1956–82’ (PhD in History, 2018). This thesis investigates the history of debates on homosexuality in the Soviet Union under Khrushchev and Brezhnev. Drawing on a range of hitherto unexplored archival and other sources I demonstrate that there was a lively discussion on the subject among various Soviet experts during this period. […]

  25. Hussam Alganahi

    ‘The Relationship between Law Enforcement and Power in Islam’ (PhD in History, 2019) The rationale behind this study is the turmoil that has taken place in the Middle East and North Africa as a result of the terrorist acts that have occurred in the region since the late 1990s. The practices of contemporary extremist groups, […]

  26. Ken Barelli

    ‘The Voice of Methodism: Temperance Policy in Victoria, Australia 1902–1977’ (MA in History, 2018). This thesis seeks to examine the influence of the Methodist Church in Victoria, Australia, on public policy in the twentieth century using the issue of Temperance as a case study. Methodists had a tradition of social activism dating back to their […]

  27. Najwa Belkziz

    ‘The Politics of Memory and Transitional Justice in Morocco’ (PhD in History, 2018). This thesis investigated four decades of human rights abuses in Morocco and the transitional justice mechanisms implemented by the governing regime between 1990 and 2015 to reckon with this violent legacy. My critical discourse analysis of the official and opposition narratives about […]

  28. Jennifer Bowen

    ‘A Clamour of Voices: Negotiations of Power and Purpose in Australian Spoken-word Radio from 1924 to 1942′ (PhD in History, 2019). This thesis views the history of early radio in Australia through the prism of its spoken-word output to argue that broadcasting was shaped not just by commercial interests and government bodies but also by […]

  29. Shane Cahill

    ‘Visions of a Mutual Pacific Destiny: The Japan-Australia Society, 1896–1942’ (PhD in History, 2019). This thesis examined the Japan-Australia Society from its 1928 founding until 1941. Uncovering the role of the leading citizens in business, academia, and conservative politics who formed its membership, the thesis showed that a significant segment of Australians accommodated Japan’s militarism […]

  30. Bren Carlill

    ‘An Impossible Peace?: A Re-Examination of the Israeli-Palestinian Dispute’ (PhD in History, 2019). This work argues that the Israeli-Palestinian dispute consists of multiple conflicts, and that each of these conflicts are one of two distinct types of conflict, either ‘territorial’ or ‘existential’. It discusses why many parties to and observers of the dispute are unaware […]

  31. Andrea Cleland

    ‘The Pear Tree: Family Narratives of Post-War Greek Macedonian Migration to Australia’ (PhD in History, 2019). This thesis examined how migrants who left Florina, Greece, in the 1950s–1960s remember, narrate and transmit experiences of migration, and how complex ideas of home and identity have been mediated across three generations. Drawing on oral history interviews, it […]

  32. Sarah Craze

    ‘Somali Piracy as a Manifestation of State Failure: A Historical Context for Somali Piracy and its Suppression‘ (PhD in History, 2019). This thesis establishes the Somali piracy epidemic of 2008–2012 as a conflict between how Somalis perceived their own sovereign authority and the rules of centralised state norms established by the international community. I argue […]

  33. Emily Fitzgerald

    ‘”That Great Country to Which We Must Constantly Look”: Australia and the United States in the Development of Australian Federation’ (PhD in History, 2018). This thesis examined Australian federation in the context of Australian-United States relations, particularly the influence of the US on the development of the Australian Constitution in the 1890s, and placed Australian […]

  34. Xavier Fowler

    ‘Sport and the Australian War Effort during the First World War: Concord and Conflict’ (PhD in History, 2018). With concerns surrounding national security emerging from 1900 onward ideas surrounding the playing of sport as a preparation for warfare became common. The outbreak of war in 1914 oversaw the variable explosion of this connection between playing […]

  35. Sarah Green

    ‘Childhood, War and Memory: Experiences of Bosnian Child Refugees in Australia‘ (PhD in History, 2019). This thesis explores the impact of war and displacement on children who moved to Australia during and after the 1992–1995 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It takes as its starting point the knowledge that the Bosnian war – like all […]

  36. David Henry

    ‘Creating Space to Listen: Museums, Participation and Intercultural Dialogue’ (PhD in History, 2019). This thesis examined the emergence, practice, and social meaning of intercultural dialogue as participatory practice in museums. I based my research on a project I worked on at Melbourne’s Immigration Museum called Talking Difference, which invited participants to record video questions and […]

  37. Mike Jones

    ‘Documenting Artefacts and Archives in the Relational Museum’ (PhD in History, 2019). This cross-disciplinary thesis explores the history of archives and collections description in contemporary museums, with a particular focus on the mid-1960s to the present. Looking at changing technologies through case studies including Museums Victoria and comparative Australian, American and British institutions, it examines […]

  38. Max Kaiser

    ‘Between Nationalism and Assimilation: Jewish Antifascism in Australia in the Late 1940s and Early 1950s‘ (PhD in History, 2019). This thesis argues that Jewish antifascism was a major political and cultural force in Australian Jewish communities in the 1940s and early 1950s. It charts the emergence of a non-nationalist and anti-assimilationist Australian Jewish antifascist political […]

  39. Niro Kandasamy

    ‘The Craft of Belonging: Exploring the Resettlement Experiences of Young Tamil Survivors of Sri Lanka’s Civil War‘ (PhD in History, 2019). Belonging and memory, shaped by social and political conditions of civil war and forced migration, are the central themes of this thesis, which explores the life stories of 36 young Tamil people who arrived […]

  40. Jean McBain

    ‘Liberty, Licentiousness and Libel: The London Newspaper 1695–1742’ (PhD in History, 2019). Press freedom is a principle that has been contested throughout its history. Western democracies hold the liberty of expression dear, and valorise the press as an essential check upon government. But, in the contemporary era, ‘free speech’ and ‘the free press’ are often […]

  41. Molly Mckew

    Molly Mckew, ‘Remembering the Counterculture: Melbourne’s Inner-Urban Alternative Communities of the 1960s and 1970s’ (PhD in History, 2019) In the 1960s and 1970s, a counterculture emerged in Melbourne’s inner-urban suburbs, part of progressive cultural and political shifts that were occurring in Western democracies worldwide. This counterculture sought to enact political and social change through experimenting […]

  42. James Lesh

    ‘At the Intersection of Heritage Preservation, Urban Transformation, and Everyday Life in the Twentieth-Century Australian City’ (PhD in History, 2018). This thesis investigated the history and theory of urban heritage conservation in Australia’s capital cities during the twentieth century. He placed the evolution of Australian urban conservation in its social, cultural and economic contexts both […]

  43. Xavier Ma

    ‘Ground for Knowing: Minerals, Mining Science and the Making of Modern China’s Territory (1860–1937)’ (PhD in History, 2018). The thesis uses mining science (kuangxue) to examine the relationship between science and socio-cultural change in late Qing and early Republican China (1860–1937). It explores the ways in which the theoretical and applied knowledge of minerals and […]

  44. Mia Martin Hobbs

    ‘Nostalgia and the Warzone Home: American and Australian Veterans Return to Việt Nam, 1981–2016′ (PhD in History, 2018). From 1981 to 2016, thousands of Australian and American veterans returned to Việt Nam. In this comparative oral history investigation, I examine why veterans returned and how they reacted to the people and places of Việt Nam—their former enemies, allies, […]

  45. Iain McIntyre

    ‘Tree-sits, Barricades and Lock-ons: Obstructive Direct Action and the History of the Environmental Movement, 1979–1990′ (PhD in History, 2018). During the 1980s the protection of bio-diverse places became a major global issue. In part this resulted from efforts by Indigenous people in a variety of countries to protect and reclaim territories. Challenges to dominant practices […]

  46. Alexander McPhee-Browne

    ‘Evangelists for Freedom: Libertarian Populism and the Intellectual Origins of Modern Conservatism, 1930–1950′ (MA in History, 2018). This thesis examines the history of rightwing anti-statist thought in twentieth-century America from 1930 to 1950, focusing on the works of an array of intellectuals, politicians and activists who forged a distinct synthesis of classical American individualism with […]

  47. Toby Nash

    ‘At Water’s Edge: Empire, Disorder, and Commerce on the Docks in British America, 1714–1774’ (MA in History, 2018). Early modern British imperial commerce focused its trading operations upon the orderly extraction of wealth from its colonies. This thesis argues that a key area of this process was the urban waterfront sector in its Atlantic port […]

  48. Sze Chieh Ng

    Sze Chieh Ng, ‘Red Shadow: Malayan Communist Memoirs as Parallel Histories of Malaysia’ (Phd in History, 2019) The Malayan Emergency (1948–1960) has long been understood from the perspective of the incumbent British and Malay(si)an governments and is universally regarded as a successful counter-insurgency operation against foreign-inspired communists. To date we still have a very limited […]

  49. Anh Nguyen

    ‘Vietnamese Child Migrants in Australia and the Historical Use of Facebook in Digital Diaspora‘ (PhD in History, 2019) Vietnamese have been a part of Australia’s migrant community since 1975. After more than forty years since the end of the Vietnam War, Vietnamese child migrants, including refugees and adoptees, have grown up with the education and […]

  50. Bethany Phillips-Peddlesden

    ‘Prime Ministers: Gender and Power in Australian Political History, 1902–1975‘ (PhD in History, 2019). This thesis offers an historical examination of the relationship between gender, political authority and prime ministers in Australia from Federation to 1975. By analysing contestations of political legitimacy through embodied styles of manhood and the languages of gender, I aim to […]

Number of posts found: 258