Double Tests, Lost Keys and the Rapping Martian (Rick)

G’Day peoples,

As I said I was going to last time, I went to the Socialist Alternative event ‘Marxism Today’. It was quite enjoyable, and felt I got to know the organisation, and am able to form my own opinions around issues whether in agreement or disagreement with the majority of the others. There was definitely a lot of talking between discussions about our own opinions and our reflections on the discussions.

Some time during the week I noticed that someone had left their room on their way to the toilet. Foolishly this person likes to keep their door open, so I walked in, and wrote ‘I’m Watching You’ on their computer on WordPad in a nice 72 point font. (This person spends a considerable time on their computer playing games, watching movies, etc.) Later that night, a few hours later after coming back from dinner, I found my door covered with sheets of paper saying ‘Rick – STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY COMPUTER >:-|>:-|>:-|>:-|>:-|’ (with each word separated by a line). It was quite a sight, and also a bit freaky when I first saw it on my door, then again, I guess my victim probably felt a little freaked out when they saw someone had touched their computer.

As some people may have noticed, the student union’s bi-elections were on this week. There were three people who were voted in last year but didn’t turn up, so they had to be replaced. I spent much of Tuesday helping out to promote the ‘Left Focus’ ticket and what we stand for. I spoke to many people and also found out about a few more people who were going to Melbourne University. At one time I saw my maths tutor and got a comment ‘Oh my god – you’re a communist’ after giving him our flyer. When voting I noticed (by seeing the list), that almost no-one votes! Probably only about 15%! There is also a group called ‘John So’s bro’, and when I first saw it I thought it was the most ridiculous name for a political party and sounds like the idiot club. I later found out that John So is the Lord Major of the Melbourne City Council, but still think it’s the most ridiculous name I’ve ever heard for a political party. I still don’t know who got in.

This Wednesday I got hit with two tests in the one day for Maths (Mid-semester) and Physics (one of three during semester). Not fun, especially when you find proving limits the most bizarre concept and never seem to know where to go. I think I managed it at the last minute, but unfortunately I think my physics revision suffered. The moments of inertia question just confused me! I felt exhausted after.

Later that day (Wednesday still there was a rally against VSU at 1 O’clock. It was advertised on the concrete lawns but was held on the south side of Union House. At about 1:35 we headed off down the street towards the state library. We probably had about 200 people marching down, and even managed to pull a few people who saw our march. There were a bunch of chants we used, all of which I can’t think of at this time. We got to the state library just after two then moved over to the RMIT city campus. After a round of speeches I held a banner and we marched off to parliament. I eventually let someone else have the banner as I found working with the other person to keep it taught and not make me run into the Ute. While we were walking about fifteen Liberal people came in with their banners, probably trying to provoke us into attacking them, as so the media would focus on that rather than the meaning of the rally. (If they were attacked it would’ve ended up with some people arrested as usual there are police everywhere.) When we were at the state library I saw someone from Monash that I know from the Young Scientists of Australia, and talked to them for a while.

That night there was the show ‘The Mathematical Revolution’ for the comedy festival. I was planning to go this night and had encouraged one other person to come with me. Unfortunately all the tickets were sold out, so I’ve had to wait until next term, but on the up, I’ve managed to find three other interested people.

On Thursday night I went down town to Melbourne by myself just because I wanted to see if any Sammy-J tickets were still available for that night. Unfortunately they were all sold out but on my way back to college I saw a guy dressed in Silver rapping out songs about the fact that ‘The Martians are coming’, and somehow wasted half an hour watching him. I found it somewhat amusing and entertaining. I’ve just found out from his website that he was involved in the Regurgitator song ‘My Friend Robot’ of which I am quite a fan. I’ve doubled checked this with what it says on the CD slip for the album ‘Mish Mash’, and indeed it mentions ‘The Sonic Manipulator’. Have to go see him again one night, and although he does have an album, his really just someone worth actually seeing.

Normally I’m quite good with not locking my keys inside my room, but this week I had some rather strange incidents. The first time I thought I’d taken my keys when going for a shave, but when I came back, I couldn’t find them, and had to get the duty tutor to open my door. After looking for them in my room and being bizarrely confused, I found them in the smaller section of the right pocket of my jeans. A few days later, I was heading back to my room and realised that I didn’t have my keys once again. I was able to see through my window that the keys were not in room. (Unless I had them in a very unusual spot.) After looking all over college (not literally) I got told someone had put my keys in my door. When I saw them they told me I’d left it in the door just before my room, and so when I got to my room I didn’t know where my keys were. I just wonder why I didn’t think about how I’d gotten to where I was! (Although the door I did go through was for a fenced off area, and is locked just so no-one who jumps the fence can get in.

Now I’ve been getting free Blu-Tack from all those sheets of paper that were on my door as they seem to like falling off. Hope you all had a happy Easter, I’ll mention that next time.

4 thoughts on “Double Tests, Lost Keys and the Rapping Martian (Rick)

  1. Hah. I saw that alien dude last night while a friend and I were waiting for a comedy festival show to start. When I saw him without his mask he looked a bit older than what I thought he was. Funny stuff.

  2. sif! i’d do it and i’m 18!
    just kidding..although it would be a funny thing to try just once. Anyways, you did walk into a lecture wearing a Scream mask, did you not? 😛

  3. That’s different, and in the future. That was a sci-fi thing. How old is the movie ‘Scream’?

    I wonder if there is lunatics club or something on campus doing crazy but innocent stunts? (Eg. playing dodgy music on old bins etc. with dodgy dancing at lunch time.)

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