y = mx + c, while G.A = Personal Fury (Sophie)
By G.A, I mean Group Assignments.
I should have known better. Just because your group SEEMS to have it ‘together’ doesn’t mean that members will not stuff up. Now the majority of people did their thing well but in a group of 6, about 2 wrote their delegated parts up without bearing in mind TQM (Total Quality Management). Instead I think they missed that class and took up LFI (Logic for Idiots).
Thanks to the last minute timing of some members, I was unable to proof read our assignment before it was to be handed in like I wanted to do. Instead all I could do was cross my fingers and hope that the conclusion writer had, had enough sense to at least edit while she read through drawing her conclusions.
Now, while I prepare the Presentation reading through our submission, I find myself facing the question of whether to laugh or cry.
I have decided to just accept reality.
Maybe we’ll just pass.
So my one problem with university life: dealing with people who don’t have standards as high as yours. Maybe a reason I crave to work for an organisation where standards are fundemental to success? The attraction of an industry where focus is everything, raw intelligence is a neccessity or failure will mark your ultimate end? [Yes. I am a freak.]
It’s frustrating.
It’s my own fault though.
Obviously in group situations someone has to be the eagle watching over, making sure everyone comes through on their side of the deal.
I don’t know.
It’s just a bit of a downer. Doing this presentation has taken a lot longer than expected as I’ve had to fix up stuff ups.
At least I got a laugh over the suggestion that the intercept term ‘Beta Zero’ is in fact called “Beta Two”.
J will tell me off for writing this blog entry. I have been banned from wasting time writing entries. LOL.
I heart him. : -)
The FMAA Women’s Forum on Thursday night was FANTASTIC. If you have the opportunity to go next year, I reccomend it completely.
I had a good chat with the dean of our faculty – Professor Margaret Abernethy
I adore her! She has had a fascinating life. She was so lovely too. Very down to earth, friendly and welcoming. I think I will definitely take up her offer at some point to ask her for advice “anytime”. And to any other Commerce student wanting to ask something, I am certain she will welcome you with open arms. Her passion for educating young people was ferociously inspiring!
Must run….finishing of presentation calls.