Bright Side of The Road (Sophie)

I just wanted to share something that really inspired and touched me the other day; particularly as I think of the circumstances that eventuated.

It was the dedication Sue Fear (the moutain climber) wrote in her autobiography “Fear No Boundary”.

“To Young People, be who you want to be.”

Reading those words made me think that life is truly what you make it. Taking control of your life is not always easy, but if you let anyone or anything else tell you how to live, you will never be happy. For Sue Fear, climbing mountains was what she loved, she didn’t let the danger of it stop her. It is bittersweet that she died in the way she did, but then I think we can look to a person like her and see pure courage, determination and strength….and a person like that will not be forgotton.

People always ask what the meaning of life is, and perhaps we could say that the meaning of life is to never be forgotton? With that said, I hope everyone is going well on their exams but remember, there are so many more important things to being remembered than a good exam score.


6 thoughts on “Bright Side of The Road (Sophie)

  1. Darling –

    That’s pretty coo’. Generally when I share something, it means I’m not hungry any more. Not you…!

    I never thought I’d hear you say that there’s more to life than exams! That sounds like my advice. Perhaps Jim and I ARE getting through to you…



    ps – Might want to just hit the edit button on that one. You’ve doubled up between the bold and normal text.

  2. i SWEAR it wasn’t psycho-bolded the other night…lol.

    anyways. all fixed now.
    thanks for the comment babe.
    i’m glad you liked my post! xoxox

  3. Hey Sophie,

    Good quote that is, applies equally to old people like me.

    I see you’ve put your eggs into the cramming basket – well done – the definitive No. 1 strategy in terms of effort/return tradeoff. All the best for your remaining exams.

    To answer your question regarding said “manipulative, game-playing woman” – it means…let’s see…you do QM1…someone who is very very dangerous who lurks deep within the left tail of the standard normal distribution. Let’s just say I made a Type II error with the null hypothesis. The horror show entry is up and someone’s already got a personal vendetta :mrgreen:

    The love and magnitude of on this forum is endemic and colossal. It’s the 60s all over again; well if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em:



  4. I absolutely agree with ur comment except the last line. The meaning of life is to never be forgotten. i dont like that line, sorry.
    I follow another philosphy, learned from the book, “tuesday with Morries”.
    Everyone should read that book. It is an inspirational and entertaining book. Basically: love community, family and have a meaningful goal.
    Give out love and Accept love from others (do not be afraid or feel weak for doing so). Personally i feel love is very fulfilling. It helps me to have luck as well. 🙂
    I help ppl and they helped me or for some reasons my life is going smoothly and fantastically. I think this might be called “good karma”.
    Making the initial step is hard but “reward” would come to u.
    Trust me on this one, it has never failed me so far.

  5. If there is a meaning of life for me not being forgotten is definitely not part of it. Just to make a positive difference, whether forgotten or not. Think of that guy who stood in front of the tanks.

    I just want to have fun with my career. Hopefully I’ll be getting into the music much more for next semester.

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