My U-Film is Finished!!! (Rick)
I’ve spent most of last weekend and this week completing the animation ‘Angry Man’ for the U-Film fest, rather than doing homework. It started to get a bit irritating in the end, sitting in front of computers for so long, and felt relieved when I finished it on Wednesday. I think that it will be one of the stand-outs at the festival – not the ‘U-Film’ for 2006 but won’t be forgotten by those who see it.
That night at our formal dinner I played a piece by Chopin on the piano, with a slight headache from what I believed at the time to be just a few late nights and staring into a computer screen for so long. We also had another guy recite some of his poems, and I felt kind of guilty that my extent of concentration at the time could not hold out to listen to them fully.
By Friday morning I had a massive headache, which delayed me getting to my lecture on time. I fortunately had a doctors appointment later that morning and was diagnosed with a sinus headache. I decided that day that it wasn’t too bad and I didn’t need to take anything. Unfortunately this changed by Saturday where the headache would just not go away, making me feel drowsy. I got some drugs from the chemist and they made me feel a little better, and let me get a little amount of homework done. The rest of the weekend I slept.
As I’m saying so often – everyone seems to be sick, I know of quite a few here at College, but on a different par one guy broke his leg serverly on Saturday, had surgery and will be on crutches for about 10 weeks. This presents a problem for him as he would thus have to quite often walk up and down the stairs just to get around, which won’t be easy. So as the only first year student on the first floor of college, I’ve been asked if it would be ok to swap rooms with this guy as to make life easier for him. Now I’m going to be right next to the student kitchens!
everyone at my college is sick also!