Everything’s Alright (Johanna)

Things have been worse in the history of the world.. there has been disaster, genocide, tragedy. One girl feeling like she’s held together with sticky tape is not going to affect the entire world. Therefore, everything will be alright.

Things aren’t great right now. Everything is sort of coming together in a mighty cacophony of badness, but hopefully it will be alright. I have three overdue assignments, but they’re getting done… they will be late, but they will be done at least. Anything Goes is happening next week – it will indeed be the week from hell. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are the last rehearsals in theatre, then opening night on Friday. I’ll be expected to party after that. Then a matinee and an evening show on Saturday and more expected partying. Sunday will be spent entirely sleeping, and I’ll have to gear up for another week of such antics.
Such hectic running around sounds bad enough but I’m not even really letting myself think of what each show will involve. Slathering on several inches of makeup and curling my hair until I look like a doll, prancing around in costumes that will eventually stink horribly, dancing on stage in stilettos, running up and down stairs between the Green Room and the stage, climbing ladders in a rush, then running on to smile until my face hurts and bow. Wipe off makeup, hang up costume, collapse and then repeat several times.
Musical theatre is meant to be something that makes me happy, and usually it does, but this show has been hell.

Anyway, moving on to nicer things. Are there any? Not really. I suppose I wanted to congratulate fellow blogger Chris on his recent review of 2:37 in Farrago. It was really well written and interesting.. instead of being a blow-by-blow synopsis of the film, it delved into the context, criticisms and other intriguing things. Very nice, I want to see the film now! Oh, and also congratulations to him getting Arts Sub-Editor for Farrago! Thank you for serving the student community with interesting journalism!
I would love to write for Farrago, but I’m not sure I could really cope with trying to come up with something to write. I’m having the worst brain fog ever at the moment, and the result is all of my essays being badly written and extremely late. Thoughts either race so fast that I can’t keep up with them and they don’t make sense, or my mind feels like it has been frozen. Not nice, but I think trying to write articles for someone else to read would just compound the associated feelings of not being able to write, etc.

I thought of a nicer thing – walking through the university on Wednesday and Thursday. The heat was the glorious breezy type that lifts your hair, drifts around you and feels like absolute lazy-happiness. It was sunny and the air was filled with beautiful gauzy little seed-pods that had fallen off the trees on campus, floating around and getting caught in little whirlwinds. It was so lovely.. I didn’t want to leave it. I wish that winter never came.

I haven’t been as dedicated to this blog as I probably should be, and Sophie and Jez are positively blazing ahead of me. My next post will be a long one because I want to explain something fairly big and fairly revealing.. I suppose part of the point of this blog was for ‘jaffies’ to chronicle everything about their experience, even the problems that befall them, and next post will be the time for that. But don’t worry until then.. I’m off – my puppy is looking at me adoringly and it seems time for some huggles, it’s just too difficult to sing to the Supremes and write at the same time, and there is some lunch-hunting to be done. Wish me luck!

Oh, the recent speight of creativity (i.e. poems) on the blog has left me feeling terribly inadequate. Here is something I wrote a long time ago when I was particularly lonely. I wrote it on my windows in lipstick so that it cast a light shadow across my room. I then stuck a glow in the dark star next to it.. this was years and years ago, and somehow personifying this little star into what seemed like my only friend made me feel better.

Little star
Stay with me all through the night
Keep me warm and hold me tight
I can’t be lonely when I’m alone with you

Little star
You’re a lovable fiend, elusive and small
To reach and touch you, I’d need to be tall
But I’m little

Little star
You’re a friend when the world is asleep
A part of my heart you can always keep
Forever and ever

Little star
I don’t want you to go away
Even if you will come back another day
Or night

Little star
Although we must part
It always hurts my heart
And I’ll wait for you

Tomorrow night

6 thoughts on “Everything’s Alright (Johanna)

  1. hey guys. just want to say great job on keeping the site up to date. and congragulations on all the stuff you’ve accomplished this year. hope things stay awesome for you guys for your entire uni career and beyond! nearing this home stretch for this semester (and year)

  2. Johanna, hope u can cut back on the busy schdule, eg night life, partyng, for the sake of ur health.
    i would go so grumpy pobably feel depress if i dont have a good sleep for a few days in a row.

    take care, nice poem btw. pretty romantic
    🙂 jim

  3. Good luck with all the hectic-ness! I’m sure you’ll do fine!

    2:37… now, that was a film I really wanted to see, but they had to go and put an R rating on it! Given said film’s intended audience, our film classification system really doesn’t seem quite right.

  4. Thanks Ronny for the comment!!! That is very sweet of you 🙂

    It’s great to know someone out there appreciates all the effort bloggers go to in writing in here!!!!

    Best of luck to you for the rest of the year as well, particularly if you have exams coming up too 🙂

  5. Johanna,

    Was sad not to see you yesterday at the lunch….I would love to meet you some time. I assume you were tied down with you crazy workload though – so understandable!!

    Best of luck with it. I hope you get it all done. Don’t give up. Respite is edging closer….only a few more weeks til its over and we can PARTY!!!


  6. Thanks Q… luckily, I have no exams.. but I have a big essay for each subject. I’m stressing a bit, but it should be alright so long as I don’t leave it to the last minute and enlist some of my beloved proof-readers.

    Ahhh, Sophie! Sorry for not coming to the lunch.. I had to come from Geelong via an appointment in Richmond, and something had happened in the city (car accident, I think) and all the trams went haywire. I ended up being quite late, and then I couldn’t find you! I ran to a computer and scoured my emails for a location, so I went to the transition office.. but nobody was there except for somebody who had no idea where everybody else had gone! *sigh*.. I tried.. I was really looking forward to it, and I’m so mad I missed it. Oh well… we should definitely arrange some kind of post-exams party.

    Jim, my night life, partying? *laughs* Those two things are perhaps the most alien concepts in my entire vocabulary.. I barely ever go out or party. But late nights are inevitable – for the big rehearsals, we go from 6-11pm at the theatre and still have things to talk about, plus everybody would be starving so we’d all go for pizza or turkish bread. Usually these debriefing sessions would finish before 2am though.. however, I did go to a party on Saturday!
    I was determined to be sociable as I’m usually the person who avoids the parties and gets teased for it, so I went to a party. Didn’t drink, but stayed out until the sun came up and I have never been so tired..
    Luckily, now that we have started the actual season of shows, adrenaline has kicked in so I don’t feel so tired during the shows. But my muscles are killing!

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