Relieved (Sophie)

I have a job with David Jones still!!!

I am very relieved. I finally got hold of the HR lady and after being firm but pleasant…I managed to get a training time AFTER exams (after a process where she told me twice that nothing after exams existed!). So I am pretty thrilled. I still have to waste an hour going to the store in the Tuesday of Week 12 to fill out some papers but at least I don’t have to sacrifice two whole days of study prior to exams.

I was prepared to give the job up on the spot…but I think it proves that if you keep your cool and yet remain insistent that you can’t attend certain times, they will work around you (otherwise have to waste time finding someone to fill your spot).

Very relieved indeed.

I don’t have time for a full-on update….I think it will suffice to say that I an incredibly stressed, worried and freaking out about exams – while at the same time suffering moments of demotivation where I end up on wishing I was Paris Hilton and never had to work a day in my life….but then I shake myself and realise there is no way I’d really want to be someone like that. Most important in life to me is to be respected because of my mind and what I’ve acheived in this world…and I don’t think anyone respects Paris full stop.

So yes, I have to go – study calls!
Full update will come soon.
So much has been going on…and dammit I keep forgetting about the 2 events I need to organise for the Political Interest Society. Being Social Secretary is not an easy thing I tell you.



4 thoughts on “Relieved (Sophie)

  1. Yay, go Sophie! I’m glad you were able to negotiate something. 🙂

    Try not to stress about exams – or at least, leave your stressing until the day before, like I do. You’ll be a lot happier (although… it might affect your marks >>;; ). I’m sure you’ll do well… far better than Paris Hilton would. 😀

    Good luck with the PIS organisation! (Damn, I love that acronym.)

  2. Similar issue with me – my training day originally booked in as the 21st, which is the last night of Anything Goes. Couldn’t possibly miss the last show, but it was so easy just to call and explain rather than fretting about it.

    Oh, and one hour isn’t so long in the scheme of things.. so be happy! Well done on the negotiations!

  3. “I finally got hold of the HR lady and after being firm but pleasant…I managed to get a training time AFTER exams (after a process where she told me twice that nothing after exams existed!).”

    Damn all red tape and time consuming bureaucracy!

    PS. Was the HR lady honestly unaware of the existence of training sessions after your exams?

  4. Good on you Soph! So glad you were able to talk your way into that. Just for anybody else, if you don’t quite make the requirements for a subject, it is possible to talk your way into it. (I almost did, and could have done a subject, but decided against it later anyway.)

    And I must protest your claim that no-one respects Paris Hilton. Look in the Farago with the election speeches in it, under either Women’s committee or representive. (Something along those lines.)

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