Tired? Perhaps. (Sophie)

I am in the most wonderful mood right now. However as soon as I finish writing this I am going to RUN TO BED AND COLLAPSE AND SLEEEEEP!

The last few days have been so incredibly busy. Yesterday was full of Pre-Employment at David Jones (i.e. filling out a million forms which resulted in running late on my schedule and having to miss a lecture…). I did get a thrill out of the situation however as I had to park in this REALLY difficult car park at the train station…and I succeeded. I got out of the car, had a look and felt very proud of myself. [Yes folks, I only got my license 1.5 months ago!].

Didn’t get home til about 6:30pm last night which was a long day for me after being up early for the David Jones stuff in the morning.

Today was a 6am start. My parent’s car was due for a service in the city…so I had offered to drive it in for them and pick it up this evening. The plan was to leave as early as possible to avoid traffic. Somehow despite being awake at 6, it took me an hour to just get dressed and downstairs for breakfast. [Not good]. I finally got out the door, and had not driven in the city in peak hour traffic before…so very interesting to say the least. I am still alive….so I succeeded [BIG accomplishment!]

After running half an hour late to my first tute due to the car thing….finally got to Uni. Straight after the tute I went to my first “Student/Staff Consultative Meeting” with the Accounting & Business Information Systems Department. It was FANTASTIC!!! The head of the department, Professor Stewart Leech, led the meeting and was very friendly and easy going. I felt very comfortable and relaxed and I think the meeting was a great success. We got some very interesting discussion going about the learning atmosphere of the department…and it is so wonderful as a student to know how much the department cares about creating the best learning experience possible for students.

One thing that I feel is most important, is to remind students of the importance of Quality of Teaching surveys. So many students underestimate how seriously these are taken. I believed they were important because one or two of my lecturers had mentioned the results before, but at the meeting today I found out how truly fundamental they are to determining things on all levels; from how subjects are taught, to the very existence of subjects. The people who read these reports are those people teaching you and directing departmental goals – it goes right up to the top. Hence it is so important to take them seriously and write honest comments about your subjects. I always try to go to an extra effort of writing a comment as well, not just ticking a box.

For students doing BPA who have no idea why they are doing this subject: the point of this subject is to give you an understanding of how different accounting practices tie in with the formation, and running of ACTUAL REAL-LIFE BUSINESSES. It is so when you go out into the workplace (as an Accountant), you know how a business functions from start to end, and how all the processes are interconnected in regards to accounting information – leading to outcomes of business success or failure. Kinda makes things seem like they have a bit more of a point right?
So…after the meeting, I rushed off to my actual BPA tute! Funnily enough at the end…I got chatting with my tutor…he is a great guy…really puts in the work for preparation and is A+ as far as things go (if only all tutors were up to his standards). Anyways – he actually told me how boring he thinks BPA is right now in the way it is taught – to the point that he doesn’t want to teach it next year! – Hence he is planning on putting a submission in on how he thinks it should be run. I hope he does. I think any suggestions would be great as this COULD be an interesting subject. I understand how it is a challenge to really achieve the aims of a subject sometimes…you just have to keep tinkering until you find something that fits I think.

So by my 1-2pm ‘break’ I had received two assignments back….I was relieved to see my hard work in them had paid off. HOWEVER…I was quite shocked (as were a number of others) when a particular subject tutor informed us of the way assignments were marked in regards to a particular question….which if didn’t include a diagram was “immediately 5/10”. This was of great shock to me as this question was very literary-based.

My favourite subject had ‘supposedly’ had tutors ordered to mark a specific question in accordance with a diagram or no diagram policy?! I almost feel inclined to email the lecturer and ask about this.

Now I DID this particular question…and by a fate of luck had included a diagram, only because I read on the Online Tutor that it had been mentioned by the lecturer we should discuss “Oil Shocks”…and hence when discussing this personally found it easier to include some diagrams. But my original draft included no diagrams in regards to this question. “What ifs” formed in my head. Now if it had been mentioned that diagrams were ‘compulsory’…it would have been a whole other story. I fared ok in the end, but I feel really bad for those who got screwed over on marks because of this ‘supposed’ marking policy.

Fair or unfair? Who decides these things?

During my lunch ‘break’…I in fact got no lunch! Ran off to a committee meeting – am very excited about being involved! I am going to plan a ‘high tea’ event next year to raise money for a charity…which at this point is likely to be OvCar or something similar. I was inspired by the leadership of this charity after hearing a speaker from it at the FMAA Women’s Forum earlier this year.

Finally escaped that meeting and RAN to the political interest society. MY BELOVED SOCIETY! I am not getting enough time with them right now. Somehow managed to figure out what was being discussed and brought up a point none of the intellectuals surrounding me had thought up -SCORE!!! And everyone agreed it was a valid point – SCORE 2!!! So was thrilled. I love the people there! I truly do get a buzz from just listening to the discussion…and having them listen to me when I say something small! On the 25th of November for the STATE ELECTION…we are meeting up at a local pub in the city to discuss the election, see what crazy antics occur…and cheer on the winner (or losers?). Should be great fun – feel free to come alone anyone. Will post details soon.

Bought a new tote bag….very cute nautical navy, red and white striped Gant one – great for Uni.

Drove J home from the city (including a stop at a bottle shop drive through for a coke in a glass bottle $1.50 bargain)

And somehow managed to meet my family for dinner at 6:45pm at my favourite little suburban Italian restaurant….where I gorged myself on my favourite dish – Fettuccine and Fresh Garden Vegetables. Just perfect.

Last but not least….one of my oldest, close friends won ticket to the MAKE POVERTY HISTORY – AND SHE INVITED ME!!!!!!!! By some stoke of fate…my last exam is in the morning of the 17th…and the concert starts at 4pm so I can make it. I cannot wait. I am so glad she invited me, and our other close mutual friend. It should be a fantastic event with a great atmosphere…for wouldn’t it be incredible if we really could make poverty history?


EXAMS!!!!! That is all.

5 thoughts on “Tired? Perhaps. (Sophie)

  1. Wow sounds great!
    Dude you should know by now to include a diagram in everything! Intro Micro required a fair few diagrams if I remember correctly.

  2. Yeah…well you’re looking at the person who failed the first Microeconomics assignment last semester!

    My problem is that I always interpret things in a completely different way thanwhat is expected, AND I am a writer at heart who prefers to explain things verbally rather than through what I see as (often) being diagrams for the sake of diagrams. When warranted, say yes to diagrams, but otherwise…

    Anyways, if I noted correctly during my post, I did mange to strike out with an H1 on this assignment, so I think I’m getting the hang of the diagrams thing that the Economics departments is shoving down my throat.


    P.S Have you been watching DUDE WHERE’S MY CAR? 😉

  3. No I have not been watching that sorry excuse for a comedy. Can’t a man say Dude any more lol? What is the world coming to…

  4. Hello for the other side of the world!

    I m a student (an nz citizen) in Auckland, New Zealand. Currently studying commerce. I m in my 2nd year and plan to join melbourne university next year….just wondering if i could get some info on life in melbourne!

    If anyone could help, pls pls (and now begging…pretty pls…) contact me on rpar85@yahoo.co.nz or add me to ur messeger list….(also hve msn id rp406b40@hotmail.com)

    I just came across ur blogs while doing some researh on melbourne uni….great read i must say!

    Thanks in advance!

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