Procrastination (Jim)

sorry for the late blog entry, i promise i write more once i finish my exams. then i have plenty of time to reflect on my experiences and share them with u guys.

Oh man this is the trigger for my depression. i hate it. This evilness deserves our blog attack.

Cause: I am not determined to study sometimes. Too easily get distrated doing other things, finding excuses for not reading.waste 2 or 3 valuable horus per day. I absolutely hate wasting time because i cant afford to waste time and still i do it. But i am not goint to stuff myself, give up.

Solution: do a really fun activity to freshen up/ revitalise ur positiveness?
2) i tried to have a flexible or a strict study timetable. Not work well in 2nd sem where my determination is weak. No complacency. !!!!!! Got to reinforce the goal,i want to pass this year. Maybe i need a mind of steel. (look i am only talking about studying when i am not tired. I want to use these “fresh/energetic” time to study. )

The problem is drawing a line when to play. I know this is my own unique problem, the answer lies with myself.

Just remember to have confidence is to perceive positively about urself. (no need to feel jealous/envious of others) in fact we want people to be as smart as possible, make a better world for all of us. 🙂
(imagine if this is my last day, i would not even bother looking at other’s result, i want to feel happy , stop comparing with others)

6 thoughts on “Procrastination (Jim)

  1. Jim,

    I’m not sure if you’re still at Uni, or how things went for you (results are released in early December). I’m also doing Law this year, but with prior postgraduate study I probably know a little more about what I’m getting myself into.

    Anway, you’re not alone in procrastination. My problem is that I wonder if what I am focussing upon in study is going to be relevant or useful in an exam scenario. I do find it hard to prioritise material and concepts.

    Don’t feel alone in your ‘depression’. It’s difficult, but entirely understandable.

    Best of luck. 🙂

  2. Johnny
    Thanks for the support.
    I think we should study all the content of the subject, for the sake of learning.
    We can’t really pioritise the content. The teachers say it is all relevant.

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