Between a rock and a hard place [Exams+Study] (Sophie)

I’m alive.

That is basically it.
I’m studying like a maniac….and am embarassed to say HOW DAMN HARD I FIND ACCOUNTING. I just find it so trivial remembering which account to debit, which account to credit….I like it when it’s more theory based. That is definitely more interesting rather than the physical calculations side to it which merely confuses me.

I really need to go sleep.

Two good things:
*Have applied to be a student host next year!!!
*Have applied to be a first year mentor next year!!!

Make that 3:
-17 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREEDOM!!!!!



4 thoughts on “Between a rock and a hard place [Exams+Study] (Sophie)

  1. Don’t worry, seems like everyone’s struggling with accounting judging by the amount of people at the workshop today. My problem’s the opposite: I can do the practical questions but I am hopeless with explaining the theory! Same goes for macro; I can remember and use all the formulae and models but can’t understand and explain things like the creation of money to save myself. But only 12 more days for me now!!! 😀
    Back to study for me now. Best of luck and don’t work yourself too hard.
    xo Kim

  2. If I see a poor little first-year wearing designer clothing with a box of KK standing in the middle of the commerce department, Soph, then I will find it VERY hard to forgive you!

  3. Would be happy to help but got two more exams before accounting that I am even more confused with! But anything I can help you with feel free to ask, or else the consulting tutors are generally pretty good.
    Hope you’re feeling less stressed now, one of us has to be!

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