Happy Days (Chris)

Craziest month ever. I’ll elaborate further when I can, but so much work and house hunting has rotted my brain. Two important things though: my play that was shortlisted for the Melbourne Short and Sweet festival is being performed at the Sydney incarnation! The Sydney one is bigger and the original, so I’m very happy. Also, the other news – my transfer into Law was successful, so that’s an immense burden off my shoulders. Now I just have to keep working and score high marks in the actual degree. No rest for me!

Gotta dash – inspecting a place in a few minutes, then off to the tennis for the night session. I’ll post properly soon I promise, and hopefully I can meet some of you newbie kidlets during O-Week.


(I didn’t even mention the Fonz or make a SINGLE pun on the title. I haven’t had my coffee today.)

One thought on “Happy Days (Chris)

  1. congra. Chris.
    U must did very well this year at uni to get into law. I heard ppl need to get H1 for every subject. Man, u managed so much last yr and still did so well for uni.

    that is great. 🙂

    jim, keep it up

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