My first prac (Kripa)

Well, not literally, my first prac in my life, but at uni. I was quite intimidated at the start with all the continous reminders of do’s and dont’s. I think it’s much more complex than in school.

It was the chem prac and I took more than a little time to get used to the lab and processes. It has been quite a few months since I have lost touch with chem, so I almost forgot how to do the calculations….and to add fuel to the fire, I simply forgot to bring my calculator. Fortunately, the girl next to me had an extra one, so used that. I knew the previous night I had to bring the calculator, but I was so busy with other stuff, that I forgot..(I thought of using the calculator on my mobile, but others would get the wrong idea..)

I wonder how correct my results were….get ’em next week..

This might be the shortest blog I’ll eva write…lol

3 thoughts on “My first prac (Kripa)

  1. Man do I wish I had my calculator today! I just want to check whether some complex numbers are the solution to a complex quadratic equation! Phone calculator will not suffice. Doing by hand will take too long!

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