Finding uni different…(Kripa)

Before coming to uni, I had an idea of what it would be like…getting more time to relax with friends after all the skool pressures. But now, it’s more pressure for me..anyone feels this way?

I’m usually good at studying and organizing, but lately, I am finding all so difficult. Each lecture covers an enormous amt of work and when I sit down to revise, there’s lots to actually look at apart from just the notes. I thought assignments would begin later in the year, but I have got now two due in the next couple of weeks!! Not that I can’t do them, but something else seems so strange..somethin that doesn’t fit in…maybe I have to just get used to it..

 Travelling all the way to Burnley is another hurdle. It usually is in the afternoon, so right after my class at parkville, I have to jump on the tram to flinders and get on another one to burnley. So, my lunchtime is spent that way. I don’t get to go to union house and have a look around at what’s happening. It takes a maximum of 2 hrs to reach home on those burnley days..I’ll be so tired that I go to bed early and no time to revise..

I decided to learn during the weekend, but even each day of the previous week had lots of notes and all together is hard to absorb in two days!

Any strategies, my friends?

One thought on “Finding uni different…(Kripa)

  1. Studying at uni is a lot harder than people think, because there are so many distractions. I was OK in first year (mainly because I was, well, really antisocial) but more recently my study habits have turned disgusting too, since I spend all my free time with people instead of doing work.

    Reading ahead is good, if you have time – on the weekend, glance over the notes (if you’re in a subject where you get the lecture notes beforehand) and/or text for the next week. You don’t have to read deeply into it, but try to get an idea of what you’ll be covering; it makes lectures a lot easier to follow. Similarly, try to revise your lecture notes as soon as possible after the lecture itself. If you have a free hour, re-read the notes straight away, while the lecture’s still fresh in your mind; you’ll consolidate the ideas and you won’t have forgotten what the lecturer was on about yet.

    You seem to spend a lot of time on public transport, so don’t waste that time. Reading is something you can do anywhere, so if you can read on public transport then it frees up time to do your assignments/homework and social activities when you get home.

    Don’t panic.

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