It's the end… (David)
…of the Easter break and the beginning of the second half of semester 1. NOOOOOOO! Just when I was starting to enjoy my holidays and the freedom that comes with age. The end of the Easter break also marks the return of the monkey on my back (his name is ‘Mr. Nodontgooutoropenthefridgeevery15minutesdoyourbloodyhomework!’ (He is African and Africans can have exclamation marks on their last names). I wish I hired him on a casual basis instead of full-time because then I would only have to stress about study during assessment and exams times instead of every single minute of my life, not to mention the spare cash left over to hire Harry High Pants (my imaginary friend). So why am I blogging on a uni day when I had the past week to blog? The answer is pure and simple; procrastination. Well I did spend the night trying to studying at the Baillieu. One thing I did notice when I left uni tonight was the beauty of South Lawn in the dark. The uni is silent and the light-shone sandstone buildings are compelling in the background. Anyway, here are some of the things that happened during my short Easter break:
• Went to the comedy festival. My friends and I were outside the box office deciding on which show to see when out of nowhere a female appears and starts chatting to us. Turns out that she was part of a group called ‘The Delusionists’ and she offered us cheap tickets ($5 each). We decided to give it a go and it turned out to be the best decision we made that night. Funny enough to compel me to see other similar small productions. It’s a sketch show performed by a bunch of uni students (I think) from Sydney.
• Watched ‘The Office’ – it’s dumb, lame, random at times and bloody hilarious. I also wasted my days playing old school Pokemon Yellow. I am up to the dark underground bit and my best pokemon is Butterfree at level 30. Pikachu is a useless rat.
• I spoke at one of the sessions at ‘Access All Areas’ (sort of a mini open day at uni). My task was to speak to year 10-12 students about transition from high school to uni. I was really unprepared and I think I got sidetracked. There were serious things I wanted to mention like the intensity of the classes, etc but instead I was saying how travelling on public transport isn’t too bad because you get to listen to other people’s conversations and how Monash sucks because of their 1960s architecture. And I can’t believe I ended my talk with ‘enjoy high school while you can’. I got a few laughs and I am sure the kids were entertained but that was honestly not my intention at all. I actually wanted to be serious for once. Michael from this blog was also present at the session and he spoke very well. It’s wonderful meeting other bloggers in person.
• Squeezed into a Toyota Echo hatchback with 7 other friends (a couple of them are giants so it was a good effort by us)
• Saw a gay couple hugging and kissing at South Yarra Station. Personally, I have nothing against gay relationships but it was very interesting witnessing the reaction of a man in his 60s or 70s. He was walking along the platform and as soon as he realised what was before him he stopped, turned around in shock, looked again to make sure he was seeing right and after a few more pauses walked around the couple and continued on his way. His blunt and disgusted reaction amused me.
• Found out my brother was successful in gaining a place in the Victorian Boys Choir which surprises me because with his voice, I thought he would be in the Girls Choir.
• Heard the song ‘Graduation (Friends Forever)’ by Vitamin C while walking through Melbourne Central the other day. I am not sure if you are all familiar with that song but as its title suggests it’s about graduating from high school. Hearing that song made me miss school even more. Uni is enjoyable but some things are just unique to school – like the opportunity to be an immature boy. There were some magical moments like the times when we turned on the fans full blast in the classroom and threw things up at them. It was hilarious watching all the guys duck for cover under tables (me included). Who wouldn’t when one of the objects thrown was a graphics calculator (it wasn’t me, it was some other idiot). See my point? These things just don’t happen at uni. Maybe it’s because everyone at uni is mature and well-behaved. On second thoughts, no that can’t be the reason.
I am handing in my application for college tomorrow. I still can’t believe I am going ahead with this. My first preference is JCH because its smaller community appeals to me. I hope all goes well with my application and that I am accepted a place because all I can think of at the moment is college and it would be so disappointing if something happens and I don’t end up in college.
At the moment, I am utterly obsessed with ‘Oh Mandy’ by The Spinto Band. Make sure you check it out. I love the lyrics too because I can relate to them, but in my case her name isn’t Mandy.
Every time a kid smiles, I smile. It’s one of those things that cheer me up. So if you are feeling down, this is for you:
Toilet Tally: still 9
P.S: It’s wonderful to see readers (other than the bloggers) commenting on this site. Whether you are a high school student or a current uni student, I encourage you to register and comment on our blogs if you haven’t already. It’s heartwarming and it also lets us know that there are actually real people reading our experiences.
hey, I love to office! But, tell me, did you watch the British or the american version?
Aww, good luck with the JCH application!
I registered and commented, and all I got was this lousy message.
Those days at Xavier College were great (except for the bullying…).
OMG! Pokémon Yellow? Let me find my copy and actually play it (I’m still going through LeafGreen despite having had it over two years now; Yellow isn’t even started) and I’ll take you on! o/
The American version. I love British humour but nothing beats Steve Carell and his quirky facial expressions!
Haha bring it on. I don’t play the new versions with the new pokemons (mostly because I don’t know any of them). I like the old school ones because they bring back memories of the good ol days of primary school. The originals are always the best.
I certainly have a fondness for the old-school games. I loved Yellow because you could have all the starters. Well, playing Yellow will be a great lead-up to Diamond and Pearl for me – just let me finish Golden Sun and I’ll be on it!
Haha pokemon games!!!!! I remember being addicted to these a few years back. Used to play them with my brother who actually watched the show (whereas I only liked the games). Man, they were fun to play!!!
Yeah I know the Graduation song. At my school, the final year 13s did a performance of their choice at the last whole-school assembly and a couple of times that Graduation song came up, and even as early as year 10 our year swore not to have Graduation in any part of our performance! We had a “Too Kool for Skool” College party last night and they started off playing real schoolie music, including Graduation, which, also made me miss school a little bit. As for throwing things up at the fan, we also did that!! In cooking class though…with fettucine….hmmmmm
Good luck with the college application. JCH is really a lovely College, I’m having an awesome time here!