Back to the Present

(Sigh)…those dreamy days are gone and now, we are back to the usual monotonous days of uni classes.

I was all ready with all the revision in my head and those are just vanishing from my head right now as I am burdened with assignments due god knows when. First my research paper, I had almost completed it at home and put it into my new (let me repeat NEW) USB and guess what? I lose it in my IT class…I had a few teary moments…searched the whole of the class again but no sight of it. Asked my friends abt it but no positive response. I have been sulking for a few days now over it but I realized there’s no use crying over spilt milk…

I needed to find a solution myself…get a new botle of milk!! Get a new USB asap…(but the new lost one keeps coming into my head…bugger!) I had been soaked in a pool of tension these couple of days coz I had my fully finished assignment in that! Since I lost it, I had to modify my old copy in my home computer in one night and get it out the next day…It’s a relief to have the report in my hands right now…Since I had such a bad start, I am forced to feel pessimistic…maybe sumthin’s bad gonna happen I am keeping my eyes and ears open..

I have noticed that nowadays, students have been studying all of a sudden..those silent study areas in the basemnt of the balilieu library used to quite vacant but now it’s hard to find 1 seat now!! Well, good luck to all..

I’m really in a sad mood, so no more to talk abt..assignments coming up one after the other like bullets into ur’s hard to keep up with the pace and catch them just in time or u r dead!

One thing that made me happy was watching the Comedy festival on Channel ten..I loved 2 of them : (i) the guy (forgot his name) with that magic act with the fake legs….so funny!! (ii) the puppets with the new zealand language and “sheep-chasing”..jeez!! was that really a language? They are so talented to get a topic from the audience and just go on and on…just brilliant! Watched the Pirates of the Carribean: dead man’s chest last night (I know it’s old..but I loved the first)..not as good as the first one but I love to watch the character Jack Sparrow..

Till next time

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