Argh! (Suzanne)

I can’t speak Chinese anymore. I tried to call my parents the other day, and I had absolutely no idea what they were saying. And I couldn’t email them either because I’d forgotten how the written grammar works. Crap.

Cheeses, I’ve only been in this country for two months. This should not be happening.

4 thoughts on “Argh! (Suzanne)

  1. Hey I was shown around JCH today and I saw your name on a scholarship honour board in one of the tutorial rooms. Well I think its your name, not 100% sure considering I don’t know your last name. I also found out that the Principal (Dr P) went to my high school and were taught by teachers that also taugh me!

  2. David: Yep, that’s me on the wall of the May Dunn room 😛

    Q: Yes, but they don’t like to. There’s a blanket ban on the English language in the house back home, because they worry that speaking English will dilute our ability to retain our Chinese cultural heritage. Which, given how things are panning out right now, was a completely justified fear 😀

  3. Oh tell me about it 😛 ! I’ve had this problem ever since I stopped studying Chinese at school. Those ideograms are especially pesky to remember. Does not help that we don’t speak Chinese at home too I guess. *shrugs*

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