Number 9 – New Plan (Georgie)

My grand plan last time I left you: to become an expert on the topic for my tute that week so as to be able to discuss (hopefully intelligently) ‘The Rise of Conservatism’.
Result: Extra reading did not help that much because in the USA Today tutes we talk more about contemporary issues than looking at the historical perspective. But, I did have an opinion on some of the topics we discusses ie. how much the government should intervene in lives of citizens, should drugs be decriminalized and guns in the US.
My new idea? Pretend to have an opinion (even when one is absent). And I think the knowing everything thing doesn’t matter so much because it’s not like everyone is whipping out facts, they’re just talking (sometimes very emphatically) about what they think.

Went to The Pajama Game (Melbourne Uni Musical) with a couple of friends from my tute because one of the guys from our tute was in it. Alright musical, had a good time hanging out and chatting.

That’s all for now.

One thought on “Number 9 – New Plan (Georgie)

  1. Can i just say i totally agree, as much as i loved USA today there was never any chance for myself up against some of the people in my tute.. I think my tute would have been useful for someone to conduct a study in dominant personalities in.. any thoughts on the final essay?

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