Time and relative dimensions in space (Zoë)

Yesterday in my HPS lecture we watched part of an episode of The Simpsons that dealt with time travel, as that’s our topic at the moment. Part of me just had to kick myself – watching The Simpsons in class? Isn’t uni great?

Of course, that’s just one class, and it was only one moment. I actually found I didn’t enjoy the time travel topic as much as I thought I would. Probably because I don’t want to analyse the logic in the stories – I just want to believe them. Also, how can you spend a whole week on time travel and not mention Doctor Who once?

Today I had my last Biol prac, and my last Chem prac yesterday. I’m so happy they’re over…I’ve never enjoyed prac very much. However, I guess I have to admit that they were much better than I was expecting. It’s so weird that it’s already up to the last this and the last that. It still feels like I’ve just begun uni, in a way.

Exams are the ever approaching cloud on the horizon. I only have two, Biol and Chem, but I’m not particularly looking forward to either of them. But I suppose that goes without saying. I’ve started studying for them, but it’s harder than studying for my year 12 exams, somehow. It might be the fact that there’s way more content, or it might just be that I’m trying to apply VCE study methods to uni, and it’s just not working. I also have two major essays to write. It’s kind of a nice balance – two exams, two essays.

On Monday there was a wood fire blazing in the fireplace in the Vesti (short for the Vestibule) outside the dining hall at college. It was way too nice and hypnotizing – I had an 8:00 lecture and I almost didn’t leave for it. I could probably stare at a wood fire all day long. They’re my guilty pleasure. I try to be really environmentally friendly as much as I can, and wood fires sort of go against that in all sorts of ways – cutting down trees to burn and add more CO2 to the atmosphere is a really bad combination. It hasn’t been lit since then, however. Maybe on the weekend.

While on the subject of the environment, how nice was the rain today? I like the way the university looks when it rains, all shiny and Oxford-y.

I just used the word Oxford-y. I think it’s time for bed.

3 thoughts on “Time and relative dimensions in space (Zoë)

  1. Ooh…the simpsons, I love ’em! Well, isn’t it a change to watch somethin animated rather than the rest? Which eps was that? I know one where Homer goes back to the dinosaur world and remembers his dad’s advice of not changing anything and the next thing he does is kill a fly! LOL!

  2. Yaargh, Doctor Who? That’s one SF show I don’t think I could ever get into, though I absolutely love Daleks (who couldn’t? They’re so cute!) – I think it’s because my brother’s obsessed. XD

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