Download limits, and why they suck. (Suzanne)

My college gives us 1GB of downloads per semester for our internet connection. If we use more than our download limit, we pay 5c per MB for the excess. I spend far more time than is healthy reading random articles on Wikipedia and compulsively checking my email.

Long story short, I am going to be so, so, in debt when I leave college and have to pay off my internet bill.

EDIT: When I think about it, it is really quite a miracle that I somehow ended up as Secretary of the Music Student’s Society (or any society for that matter). Even more miraculous is that I haven’t totally and utterly screwed something up yet. I am horrifically disorganised. Right now I’m buried under this absolutely massive stack of papers and revision materials, desperately trying to read my illegible handwriting so that I can type up some notes, and cursing the fact that I like squeezing things in margins so that I can more easily draw arrows to show how different issues link and contrast with each other.

My notes therefore tell me that the doctrine of asjgqegjhdb is somehow linked to the principle of qwiurhy, which directly contradicts Brennan J’s idea that law is akjhsiuqw vmcxn oiq asjf, which has significant implications on uiwehb, that this implies 389tysdnba, and that Gleeson CJ disagrees with this all in his dissenting judgment to Qsdb v Aquwih and all of which I’m sure would be brilliantly insightful if I could read it.

To further worsen matters, I also have this tendency to label my computer documents as things like ‘notes.doc’, ‘othernotes.doc’, ‘powerpointslides.ppt’ and ‘suzannesrandomcrap.txt’ and then put them all in the same folder. Hours of sorting and relabelling fun, right there. Words of wisdom to the next generation of freshers: ‘assignment.doc’ is not a good label for any document, especially if you put all your assignments in the same folder.

3 thoughts on “Download limits, and why they suck. (Suzanne)

  1. I know what you mean about the download limit. We only get 500 MB per semester free of charge, which is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. But then it’s about $22 per GB over, which isn’t too bad, I guess. But I’m too afraid to go and find out how much I’m over by…

  2. Does your college have internal file sharing on its network? I hear from friends who live in college that TV shows are a great way to use up your time… 😉

    I have the same filenaming problem. Sometimes I’ll go through documents years later and be like “wtf?”

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