Stupid Facebook (Georgie)

Help! I am now seriously addicted to Facebook. I check it every time I’m on the computer and end up spending time which should be spent studying commenting and adding applications. Arggh!! I’m one of ‘those’ people now. Well, at least it’s less shameful than Myspace!

Note to Sophie: I ended up doing both ‘Sex Gender and Power’ and ‘China Since Mao’ because I dropped one of my other subjects because, (can you believe it!) they wanted me to come in on a Thursday as well as Tues and Wed. And both are fantastic, I’m really glad I swapped!

3 thoughts on “Stupid Facebook (Georgie)

  1. I recently got Facebook as well, and I feel a bit like I’ve sold my soul to the devil, because I was very anti-MySpace. But you’re right – it’s a bit more respectable. And it’s the worst thing ever for procrastinating. I think it must be some kind of time monster with a bottomless pit for a stomach – it just eats up all your time.

    I’m glad you’re liking your subjects this semester!

  2. If it makes you feel any better, once you’ve added all your friends, decided which groups to join, and gotten over the novelty of poking people it does get a bit less addictive. I’ve had it for a year now and I stopped checking it compulsively after the four-month mark.

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