Making Choices (Georgie)

I can’t believe I’ve almost finished my first year! I feel like I haven’t accomplished anything this year, that I’ve just been plodding along. Having an awesome time, but not really doing anything worthwhile.
And now I have to pick subjects. What a nightmare! I’ve got a shortlist of about 30 so far, so not making much progress. I’m thinking about majoring in Politics and History, but what about English? What about Australian Studies? What about International Studies? Arghh!!!

Also, I’m a bit worried about getting a 70% average for the year so I can go on exchange in second semester next year. For semester 1 I just scraped through with 71% so I’m praying that my marks will also be fine for this semester.
And I also can’t decided where I want to go on exchange. Britain or Canada – anyone care to weigh in?

I thought the biggest choice I would make would be picking a course I wanted to study after year 12, how wrong I was!!!

One thought on “Making Choices (Georgie)

  1. Canada and Britain are my two preferences for exchange too, although I’m hoping to go the semester after you. =P
    I’d think about where you want to travel around? From what I hear exchange students go on a lot of weekend trips.
    Canada you could probably get to New York, LA… and around Canada obviously, skiing, Quebec…
    Britain you could do the France/Europe thing.
    Toronto is supposed to be quite similar to Melbourne, but Montreal or Britain would be more different.
    Dunno whether that helps at all. =P

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