Smokin coffee

Cardboard model again, albeit in  relatively more sophisticated lighting and geometry.

Next week (and this weekend) is going to be a living hell. We’re talking about major assessments all due next week. It doesn’t help that mid-semesters for my breadth subject are usually done later than all other subjects; so that’s on next week too.

I probably have to spend all of tomorrow for my ‘design’ subject coz I didn’t do so well in the last assessment, and if I stuff up the one for next week, I am most probably doomed. Onto another topic, I’ve just discovered the joy of sitting down for coffee (actually… hot chocolate) in the Potter cafe this morning. It was quite windy and all (although nothing like that freak wind a few months back), but it was still a good place to just catch up with people and people-watch at the same time. Not being a coffee person, I didn’t see any merit before in having coffee at uni. Especially not in the Potter, coz everytime I pass by that alleyway outside the cafe I get a whiff of secondhand smoke (why do I get the feeling that this is not the correct term to call that sort of smoke? hmmm) so if I actually stay there, I’ll probably be able to inhale a lungful or two. However, since it was windy, smokers were nowhere to be found. Out of sight, out of mind. So it was just me, my hot chocolate, and my companions in coffee/hot choc bliss.

Still on the topic of hot beverage, I finally found that place that supposedly serves the best tea in uni. It’s quite weird that it’s just the first time today that I saw it, considering that I’ve been to that building many times already. It’s in Alice Hoy, and it’s called Urban Chai or something like that and I’ve accidentally discovered it thanks to the renovations going on at that courtyard near Sidney Myer Asia  building. I might go and try their tea one of these days…when money or at least, loose change starts to fall from the sky. Or after I get my first elusive paycheck. Whichever comes first.

To conclude… did anybody else get harassed (okk.. definitely an exaggeration) by the student campaigners this week? I don’t even know If I’m going to vote for any of them – up until the day they started wearing those ghastly coloured t-shirts and approaching random students, I didn’t even know they existed. And so, it’ll take a lot of convincing on their part to persuade me to actually acknowledge that they do exist, and exist for a good reason too.

edit: Er, actually, I’m not so sure now whether the cafe with lotsa secondhand smoke is the Potter or Castro.

One thought on “Smokin coffee

  1. I think it’d be the Potter, though I don’t pass by either cafe often.

    Eh, I’ve been harrassed one or two times. I’m glad that one of my captioning assistants is one because then I can actually casually ask her about the whole thing without any edginess.
    I usually attempt to walk with a group (doesn’t have to be friends – just slip by) or take the opportunity to slip past when they pick someone else nearby to harrass. It does help to look around and plan a route and avoid the hot spots =P.

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