Oweek: Reflections pt 1

Ok. So I’m sitting in my room here at college listening to the dulcet tones of a drunken student singing ‘Woo Hoo’ in a surprisingly high voice, wondering what to write and… (woo hoo!) I think I’ll give a little day-by-day breakdown. Like a little diary entry – isn’t that just the SWEETEST thing you can imagine? Aww. Get the tissues out.

Day 1 (Friday)

Yes, unusually my Oweek starts here at the SSS (Science Students Society) Ocamp, which is doubly surprising given that I’m not a science student and I hate to camp, generally. This day saw some terrible things, many of which I dare not repeat, but lets just say a few words and you can fill in the blacks, yes?

  • Alcohol
  • Teenagers
  • More alcohol

For the sake of good taste let’s just leave it at that shall we?

Day 2 (Saturday)

Admittedly this could have been a better day for me, but I learned a valuable lesson involving one of the above substances (yes, ‘teenager’ is a substance, but not the one I’m referring to). I was actually really sick, and it was the first time I’ve ever been ill from alcohol (and I’ve had a whole year off) but I think it’s still a good thing to keep in mind that it’s essentially poison, and it’s not a nice thing to try and leech it from your body, nor is it necessary… or pretty. No, definitely NOT pretty.

See? Learning already. But let’s move on – thinking about this STILL hurts, it really, really, really wasn’t a nice experience. Kudos to the SSS, for their brilliant first aid (no, I wasn’t THAT sick, but they did do some great work) and for a great camp. Met loads of people, good way to start the much-hyped Oweek.

Day 3 (Sunday)

Moved into Canterbury, and was still feeling awful AND hadn’t had a shower so I really did fit in amongst all of the people in academic gowns with my ripped jeans and hair matted with oh, I think it was custard and banana?

My room was very small but renovated, and big enough at any rate for someone like me. I found the timetable that Canterbury gave us was a little insular, because, according to them, University Events don’t exist, just college, college, college!

There was a lot of pomp and ceremony and whatever involved with this day and (as I’m sure other people college or not will agree) a LOT of information. TOO MUCH INFORMATION! I mean for crying out loud! I only just then worked out what ‘Alloc8’ (don’t even get me started on ‘overfull’) and I haven’t properly used my brain in almost a year and they’re throwing around words like ‘academia’ and ‘induction ceremony’ and, do forgive me, but I just wanted to pop on some of those glasses with the fake eyes and take a little catnap.

Day 4 (Monday)

We were woken up for a nice formal breakfast, and I felt some strange, warm sensation indicative of the joy of being a part of a large community…

Then someone spilled milk on my lap. Moment over.

We went into the city en masse and harassed unsuspecting people (which I… LOVED) and had epic clashes with other nasty colleges while onlookers no doubt turned to one another and mouthed words like ‘tools’ or nodded in a conceited sort of way and said ‘Oweek’.

I went up to Sydney Rd using the no. 19 tram, which is a great street because many of the stores are super cheap and it has a giant op shop known as Savers which is useful when you’re steeped in debt and wondering whether you should go to StKilda and try your luck there…

KIDDING. I do sales. I promise.

Day 5 (Tuesday)

There was a party the night previous so I slept in somewhat and then headed to University, meeting up with my peeps (God I love that word) from Ocamp and having one or two drinks while a few of them terrorized the Law building, which really isn’t all that cool, even if it is Oweek.

We’re past schoolies now children.

Now this is the important fact: my friends bashed me (in the figurative sense of course) for my going to Canterbury and leaving them to attend a party, DESPITE the fact that I hung out with them for a good7+ hours.

This seems to be a resounding theme, college kids VS commuters, so it will be interesting to see whether I can maintain these friendships or whether I’ll just get sick of it and get, to quote them, ‘swallowed up’.

Well I think I shall turn this into a Pt 1-2 thing because this post is getting long, and it’s starting to make my poor eyes hurt.

To be continued… (DUN DUN DUN!)

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