One down.. [ASH]

And five semesters left to go.

So, we start the second half of our first year, and we’ve a better idea of how university life is:
– We realise that timetables aren’t fixed. Tutorials/Workshops/Labs are, but lectures? Who cares, just shuffle them around and attend different ones. So for me, less stress when doing my timetable. I remember semester I was freaking my pants because I was like – “NO, I WANT WEDNESDAYS OFF” and then I realised a few weeks later that the lectures on Wednesday were on Tuesday and Thursday too. Hoorah.

– We sort of know where to go for most of our classes. Although, doing Guitar Riffs, with the lecture in the Land and Food Resources Building? We HAVE a Land and Food Resources building? what the. And I had to pass through the Zoology underpass to get there. Zoology? Wow.

– We realise that holidays are FRIGGIN’ HUGE. And over that 2 month gap, as we hardly touch pen to paper, once we’re back into lectures writing notes, the first few pages are pretty much illegible.

With that, it’s a whole new semester, some new students come in, transferring from other uni’s, people are joining clubs, but the atmosphere is pretty much the same as it was 2 months ago.

Along we trudge with our tertiary studies. Hope you all have a great semester, have fun, be merry, and don’t drink to the point of having your stomach pumped.


[PS. Bloggers – I missed the lunch! Stupid sickness. How was it?]

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