
Before i continue singing the tune to quite possibly the worst Madonna song in existence i want to cleverly allude to the related and yet 1000x better topic that is: Summer Holidays.
ahh for years my whole life it seems has been a build up to what is probably the best time of the whole year; when the tall and skinny seconds hand rigidly makes its final arc shaped swoop that signals the final 30 seconds of one’s final exam. Don’t you love that feeling? When you know that even if you wanted to, nothing more could be added, could be changed, all you have to do is sit patiently while attempting to cover the excitement on your face with a look of utter disappointment so as to avoid looking quite the geek in front of fellow classmates. Then the papers are collected and you make your way out of the building trying to manoeuvre between hordes of cliques asking the all-too-common questions of “How’d you go?” and “What one did you do?”.
What i love most possibly about the final exam day is the feeling of “What do i have to do now?” that immediately moves over me – do i need to study for another exam? Run to uni to hand something in? Bring back a library book? the feeling of complete freedom when you realise that no, i don’t need to do ANYTHING for the next FOUR MONTHS is (in the words of MasterCard) priceless.
Well, i do have to do some things during the next four months, some of them amazing, some of them quite the opposite. It’s Christmas, it’s annoying Christmas customers (i work in retail – i’m sure some of you will understand!), it’s Boxing Day sales (yay!), it’s NYE (i still can’t imagine writing a year ending ’10), it’s getting my licence, it’s scorching February days (ugh!), it’s Big Day Out and most importantly (well, for me at least) it’s my birthday.

Having explained why i love summer holidays the most, i just want say thanks to all you fellow first year bloggers for making my first year at Melb Uni very welcoming. As i stated in my initial post, this was NOT my first, second or third preference; but having met the people i’ve met, and learnt the things i’ve learnt, i could not imagine studying at any other uni or having this much fun anywhere else. Have a marvellous Christmas and New Year, and i hope to be writing with all of you about our time in Back For Seconds (oh my goodness! Second year uni students ALREADY!!)

Take Care,
Nicole (Nik).

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