The Calm Before The Storm (Rinaldho)

So, you may be asking yourself: “Why is this ‘Rinaldho’ person putting up a blog post so early?” Well, to answer your terrific question (if I do say so myself), I am, as the title alludes to, taking advantage of the quiet period before the much-hyped O-Week rears its ugly head. Although there has been a great deal of talk about what will go on next week, I still have absolutely no idea what I am in for, not only will I have the O-Week events to attend, I will also have just moved into University College, which I’m sure will have its own events during the coming week. So, I would just like to get these sort of formalities out of the way, so that my next posts can get right into nitty-gritty of uni life (oh yeah, I just said “nitty-gritty”).

Ok, so here comes the introduction, which I have no doubt, I will be repeating hundreds of times during the coming days. My name is Rinaldho, or Aldo for short (yep, like the shoe store… it could be worse, at least I wasn’t named “crocs”). I am half Dutch and half Indonesian, and am a permanent resident here, although I only arrived in Melbourne last october. I moved here from a small island I doubt many Australians would be familiar with, it’s called Bali. That’s where I have lived most of my life, and so, coming here is a massive change for me, so even though I am a resident, my mind frame is truly that of an international student, which is a title I have been quite familiar with throughout my life… Just to bring this post back to a university based blog, I am also a Bachelor of Arts student, and will be pursuing a major in Media and Communications.

Well, I guess I have said what I set out to say at the beginning of the post. When my next post comes along, get ready to read about everything from Alloc8, to beginning college life, to Host Groups. And hopefully by the end of the year, I, and all my fellow first-year bloggers, will be able to answer most, if not all, of your questions about life at the University of Melbourne. However, if your question isn’t answered by any of our posts, I think the best advice I could give would be: assume the answer to be 42. (If you did not pick up on that literary reference… for shame)


2 thoughts on “The Calm Before The Storm (Rinaldho)

  1. Rinaldho, you obviously always know where your towel is. 😉

    Great post though! Nice and succinct, I should work on that. 😛 Haha. See you around!

  2. Thanks for the comment!

    I liked your post too, I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one out there who hasn’t been caught up in the whole Apple Mac regime…

    Have a great O-Week

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