What was your best and worst moment of the week?

So, at the risk of looking very over-enthusiatic and posting my third blog for the week, I have decided to start this thing on Fridays. I’ll make a post every Friday – title as above – and the theory is that everyone who reads it leaves a comment on your best and worst moments of the week that has gone by (hence the title). If you hate the idea, let me know – just spare me the tomatoes. Then again, this whole idea may be an epic failure, at which point i will attempt to revive it for a few weeks and then abandon it, delete all my posts and live like a hermit for the rest of my Uni existence. On the other hand, hilarity may ensue (luckily for me, it has!)

So…my best and worst moments?

Best: Getting to know my brilliant housemate and feeling really at-home with her. (Another housemate arrives tonight…watch this space.)

Worst: Feeling very lost, overwhelmed and frustrated during O-week. (See this post)

So, now, faithful and gorgeous readers, it is your turn. Go for it. What has made you love the world this week and what has made you want to stab it in the eye with the fork?

Until we meet again…

I remain, humbly yours,


6 thoughts on “What was your best and worst moment of the week?

  1. Oh, how interactive! I can’t resist!

    Best: College funtimes.
    Worst: My super-awkward Host Group, who barely spoke a word to each other.

  2. Over-enthusiastic, eh? 😉

    Best Moment: Free stuff, hanging out with my new friends.

    Worst Moment: Same as Cara. It was bad enough that I left after 30 mins, never to return. I’m not very patient. Plus, the only guy who was speaking to me was peppy. Really, really peppy. Peppy is a scary thing.

  3. Aww, is being peppy really that scary? 🙁 I think I’ve been a bit scary then, sniff.

    Best Moment: um..getting my timetable?

    Worst Moment: It’s not really a moment per se, but many moments of meeting other people, only to realize they were at uni with a bunch of their best friends and just weren’t interested. I also had a really awkward host group that had about 30 people? Yeah…

  4. I feel like I should post a comment just because you’ve left such nice ones on my blog!

    Best Moment(s): FREE STUFF, FOUL picnic and FIG food crawl
    Worst Moment(s): Walking around aimlessly for 3 hours on Friday, pointless seminars on Wednesday.

    Until we meet for the first time…


  5. Best: finding lots of clubs that interested me
    Worst: realising how many clubs I had joined (15+) how much I had spend on them ($30+) and how little time I would have to spend with them

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